Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

CLARITY WIPED his tears off after crying for several minutes. Almost an hour already, frantically speaking. He walked inside inside the bathroom and looked at himself at the mirror.

His eyes were puffy and red. He had to open the faucet and washed his face. After several attempt, the puffiness was already gone and only the redness over the sclera.

For sure, they'll be asking.

I'll just make an excuse to say that I slept for an hour and I yawned with my tears on. Of course that's normal right? You yawned then the tears would drop because you yawned? That's what I am gonna plan later!

Clarity changed his clothes.

Clarity clearly planned to bedressed properly when he would go downstairs. He wanted to look presentable.

Clarity stared more in the mirror.

Cute face, hazelnut eye color, black soft hair, perfect jaw line, perfect nose structure, pink soft lips, whitish skin and without a doubt, no pores nor pimples. Everything is just perfect with him.

So what's wrong?

He was clearly confused about the world.

Sighing, he discarded his garments and went to the shower. He opened the shower faucet and the water trailed from his head down to his toes.

Everything is surreal for him.

He stayed idle for the rest of the minute. Thinking nowhere. When his thoughts went back to reality, he immediately used the necessary equipment and liquids prior to taking a bath. It took him almost 45 minutes to finish washing up.

30 minutes for the unending stares at nothingness.

sated with sadness, he sighed.

He went out of the bathroom with the towel currently hung around his waist.

He directly headed to his closet where all of the things are arranged now. His luggage was placed inside the closet too. He pulled out a loose polka dotted polo with a fine linen indigo colored short pants. He put his boxers then his shorts and perfumed himself before putting the last piece.

He went over a mirror and looked at his self.

He tied his long hair with some of them leaving his head and trailed at the back of his neck.

When he felt satisfied about his looks, he opened the doors and inhaled deeply.

Every step going down has full of hopes.

"Grandma! I got good grades at all subjects and people around the university are praising me around." He heard Sandy said those things proudly.

That made Clarity smile.

He was proud of his sister.

Oh, one thing, Clarity stopped his semestrals because they decided to transfer here in the Philippines. Back at Montana, his schoolmates are non other than a vicious bullies. He didn't like it though.

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