Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

CLARITY WAS feeling tipsy when he woke up. His body is numb and painful. There, he saw people sleeping around him. His sight reached for them and he was shock when he found the persons that he always loved.

"Mom? Dad? Sandy?"

It was a very long time ago since he saw those faces. And he wanted to hugged them because seeing them is a great reward for him.

His mom woke up and stared at him.

Kaius, Nash, Apple, Sandy and hi Dad are still dosed off. She tilted her head as if she is examining Clarity. While Clarity was busy looking at her, she felt guilt over all her persona.

When Apple called Clarity's parents lately a while ago, they started haywire. But Apple didn't know if the action was real or just a show up.

No matter what happens,

At least Apple informed them.

Sandy didn't want to go because he couldn't look at his brother. He still felt guilty about what she heard a couple of weeks ago. Nearly a month already.

Apple visited one more time to talk to them.

Gladly, Sandy was there, wanting to know the real message behind his disappearance. Sandy felt the need to see him because in those times when Clarity wasn't present in the house, Sandy felt this thing inside her heart that she never felt before with him.

Sandy was shock—totally shock when she finally heard Clarity's Point of View through Apple's confirment words.

His mother and father regretted.

Regretted so much that crying for over a month wasn't enough to pay for all the treatments they have done against Clarity.

They now knew how Clarity loved them.

That risking his life would be enough for them to be happy.

What Apple said in the past was know realized when Apple visited and confronted them for the second time. That was over a month after Clarity has been found.

They even cried when they heard what Clarity wished this Christmas through Apple herself.

Oh how ruthless and cruel of them.

Now, they couldn't anymore turn back the time and change their attitudes because it has been done. It has been acted out.


Clarity's mother witnessed how Clarity's tears dropped down in his eyes. Full of pain, sadness, hopelessness, and grieve.

"Mom..." Clarity called once more.

His mom couldn't handle anymore and stood up and hugged him so tightly. That's when Clarity's mother sobbed after feeling how Clarity felt after hugging him.

All the sacrifices, hopelessness, fear, pains and suppressed emotions were felt.


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