Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

HOURS TURNED into days. It was his, actually, the worst days to count by. But with his positivity, he considered every inch of it as a blessing. Because I am still alive. Breathing normally.

"Now, with  regards of Christmas, allow me to share one thing..."

Clarity was watching a talk on Youtube after spending inside his room for about 2 days now. Gladly, his room also has a refrigerator and a stored food for him to eat.

"Christmas is the essence of love that has bestowed upon us. Christmas is the joy of the heavens. It is through Christmas that familes, friends, relatives, and other people unite together with one smile and one love."

Clarity couldn't help but to tear.

"Christmas is love. Without the essence of love in our lives, the meaning of Christmas wouldn't be memorable." The speaker in the video continued.

Clarity heard him sigh.

"Even though the problems in our lives continue to destroy the.." Clarity heard a bleep.

From then on, he knew she cursed.

"Out of us..truly all of us experience problems; whether big or small, historical or periodical. Whether the world hates us or not, we all have problems. Don't stress yourself to be sad because you knew that you did nothing wrong. It is the world who chose to treat as you are. But remember one thing, be positive always. In the midst of despair, when temptation lingers us to give in ourselves already, you musn't do so. Just believe that everything will be okay. Thank you."

18 years of my life, did everything turn okay?

The speaker smiled before bowing.

The audiences present were clapping their hands. It was a 25 minute long video and he got wonderful encouragements and enlightenment.

A smile of hope plastered on his face.

"Wait, what day is today?"

He curiously stood up in his bed and walked towards a visible calendar that was found on the right side of the wall of the closet, perpendicular to the bathroom door. His forefinger travelled across the dates of November.

"Gosh, its already November 10. I stayed here last November 8."

Clarity was astonished about his findings.

In all those 2 days of staying inside the room, all he did was to read books on the shelf, surf his mobile phone, naming things by the presence of a nomenclature, clean and tidy his room, singing. (Well, the room is sound proof so its okay). Studying, and the like.

Everything was fun and enjoyable.

But Clarity wouldn't feel happiness.

There is one thing that is missing in the piece. Maybe its his family? Maybe the urge to befriend a person that would gain and protect his trust? Maybe his sister who, by him, constantly hope that one day, he and his sister would together bond and be joyous? There are many reasons and that reasons was one of them.

Clarity would just talk to himself or listen to a music through his airpods.

Now, finally, Clarity was hesitated if he's going outside or not.

Clarity started to feel his surroundings; spatial awareness. When he didn't hear any person at the back of the door, he proceeded to open it. Walking through the staircase. It was very odd to see and hear a very different aura.

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