Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

NASH AND HIS GROUP currently walks around the halls of the school. He didn't knew but he misses seeing Clarity in the halls. He misses his face—his lovely face.

Ever since Clarity's disappearance,

Nash felt this urge to check on him even though he didn't yet knew where he is. He didn't know that he misses Clarity so much.

Its been almost a month since he disappeared.

Each day, the thought of missing Clarity was getting intense and intense that he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, thinking what happened to Clarity himself. Why is he missing?

Right now they're in the cafeteria.

There are several women looking at him but he didn't care. But didn't to pamper the reason of missing Clarity. But he couldn't.

He fucking misses Clarity. He accepted his feeling over him a long time ago.

The more he longed, the more he misses him.

Where is that boy right now? I miss him.

Nash sighed as he was eating his lunch. It was a month now since he disappeared and each day, the thought of missing him increased.

He always sneak out of the class just to check if Clarity was there and most of the time, he ended up scolded by the mentor.

Nash felt something is missing.

And from there, he could tell that it was Clarity that he wants. He's the person that he meets.

Even though he didn't have known Clarity and what's the deepest feeling of him, he does feel something. Something that is.....

"Nash! Bro! You're our of yourself!"

Nash came back to reality and smiled at his friends. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked nonchalantly. Then one of his friends raised his eyebrow.

"Bro, we're literally calling that fuck outta your name or 'bout a hundred times already. Ya'll what happen to you? You're not like this before?"

Nash shrugged and went back oblivious.

His friends only looked at him.

"I'm done." He finished and cleaned up his space and stood up.

His friends trailed their eyes on him from throwing the garbage in the garbage bin and walked outside with all people in the cafeteria also looking at him.

Fuck! I want to see him. I miss-

"How's everything?" He stopped when he heard Apple talking to somebody.

Apple was facing in front so Nash wasn't on her peripheral or the central view. Nash find a suitable place so that he could hide.

He knew Apple was the only one who's close to Clarity.

When he found one close to her, he crotched down and listened to her.

He tried his very best not to make a noise because Apple would literally stop the call and resume it to somewhere else.

"Is Clarity okay, Kaius?"

Clarity? What happened to him?

"Good, just take care of him Kaius." Nash heard the name Kaius. He felt jealousy. Who the fuck is Kaius and what does he do to Clarity? Fuck!

"I'll step by the hospital. The hospital is near Valorant HQ right? I want to check on him. After hearing from the doctor about how severe his conditions is, I want to be there for him. Did you ask the doctor of the severe wounds, the severe cuts and the bruises are okay?" Apple asked Kaius nervously.

Nash's eyes widened in shock.

WHAT!? WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM!?! He screamed in his mind.

"I swear when I see those people who tortured him, I'll bring him to hell." Apple added. "Tortured?" Nash whispered.

He felt something in his heart.

He felt frightened, nervous and scared. "He was so destroyed. I couldn't even recognize Clarity. He's very destroyed. When I saw the operation last week, I was crying so hard. Clarity couldn't urinate anymore. The doctors have said that the healing would take 2-3 years."

Nash already got what Apple was trying to say.

And thinking about that, made Nash gulped so hard. Its painful though.

Nash heard Apple sobbed. "His family doesn't have a word after I informed them. When I told them that Clarity got a cancer, they're not responding, now when I heard that Clarity's life is counted, that made me more sad." A wretched sobs escaped her throat.

That made Nash bite his lips when he felt tears on his eyes.

"I fucking hate the world for Clarity, what did he do to deserve that treatment."

Now Nash already understood.

What happened back when his parents humiliate him in front of Nash and his Mom truly resembles that Clarity's parents never loved him.

A loud sob escape her throat.

"I don't want him for that! If he's happy dying off leaving everything here, well I don't like it! Just encourage him Kaius! I know he will listen to you."

It made Nash rage with jealous.

But he didn't yet knew the person.

But what shattered his heart the most is the word "dying". He didn't want to die Clarity and as much as possible, he wants to know Clarity. He wanted to apologize, he wanted to hug him.

He plans to go to the hospital later.

He knew that hospital, the hospital near Valorant HQ and he has gone into the place before because his father was also a member of the Valorant HQ. He is a legal adviser of the HeadQuarters.

"Okay.. I'll see you later."

The phone ended and Nash heard the footsteps recede. Until he could no more hear on the back of the bush near the bridge.

Nash stood up and looked at the mark where Apple stood up a few seconds and his mind went blank.

I need to go to the hospital later!

TIME PASSED by so quickly. Althroughout the classes and the games, Nash didn't learned anything but he's thankedful that he still could answer the questions given by the teachers.

Well, as much as possible, he can't focus.

He even didn't realized that he already punched the opponent hard the she was sent into the clinic. His mind wasn't on the class, instead, his mind is thinking about Clarity.

About what happened.

About what he heard a while ago.

He couldn't bear it. Thinking that Clarity would die would make his heart go numb and break. Nash sighed as tears were forming its way on his naked eye.

He immediately wiped it off to prevent it from dripping and instead, yawned to escape the suspicious looks that the people would throw at him when the time comes that the tears would be dripping like a pipe.

He didn't want them to see him sad.

Because he'll break down if Clarity died.

He loved him.

He wanted to love him—Clarity. For the rest of his life. And he accepted the fact that he loved and liked Clarity. Nobody else. No woman or man. Just Clarity.

It was intense.

Sounds ridiculous, isn't it?


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