Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

AS THE DAYS WENT BY, Clarity was able to notice his learnings. He had exceled better in achieving the techniques and arts but it won't be enough for him to master all the moves. He wasn't yet as fast a light but as he could see, He is already speeding up.

Apple also noticed that thing on Clarity.

But she was also confused as to why Clarity was silent in all of their sessions. But would definitely answer when asked. Apple saw how silent he is that he didn't even go and approach his classmates.

Apple could see the same thing too with his classmates.

Sometimes she would see a group of his classmates talking to each other about Clarity if he was okay. Because majority of the times, he is indifferent but a bright one. She and his classmates seldomly see Clarity smiled.

That fueled Apple to be suspicious about Clarity's background.

With the presence of her laptop, she looked for his papers and found his profile background. His profile seemed to be normal to a point that no suspicious information was inaugurated or wrote in the paper.

The information about him is just basic.

As she was about to stand up and go the classroom to check the situation when she saw Clarity walking. Its okay because it was just lunch time. He was as lonely as it is.

The gym activity would start later after the lunch.

She gathered her courage and followed her. And while walking, some people bumped onto him purposely and would end up punching him. Of course he tried to fight back but the students were just strong enough.

"Don't you fucking dare touch my girlfriend!" Nash, one of the school's most profound and black weight belter was punching Clarity! Of course, Apple was shock to see a would burst in his arm.


Apple saw him bow down and held his left arm that is bleeding.

The Nash's group, together with his girlfriend scoffed before leaving him unattended with the students looking Clarity with disgust or compassion. On the other hand, Clarity couldn't do anything but to stand up and walked like nothing happened even though his legs are already aching with pain.

Apple followed him.

When Apple saw Clarity stopped on a tree at the backyard of the school, she saw Clarity sat down on a nearby tree.

Since Apple is an intelligent teacher and a woman, she hid herself at the bush at the back of the tree, only a few meters away from Clarity. Her position is paralleled to Clarity's. So she was able to see his face.

It was full of sadness and indifference.

Apple felt her heart tensed.

Then what shock her most is when Clarity opened his left arm and revealed a bullet wound. She immediately panicked but remained herself in her position.

Where did he get it?! Where did he get it!? She kept screaming on her head.

"Fuck!..." Apple heard Clarity cursed in pain as Clarity pressed the area with the clean cloth soaked in blood. The blood stopped and from his pocket, he got a clean piece of cloth and wrapped it in his arm.

Apple could clearly hear Clarity so she walked near but not letting Clarity see her. Apple saw him sighing before getting his phone. She could see how reluctant Clarity is as he was staring his phone. Of course, Clarity planned to call his parents.

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