Special Chapter: Beyond and Forever

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Special Chapter

EYES CLOSED. PALE. Lifeless. Cold. Still. And smiling. Everything has gone into sadness the moment that the hand of the clock struck to 12.

Everything was drowned into sadness the moment that Clarity closed his eyes.

Only wretched sobs and hard cries were heard althroughout the room of the hospital. Apple slowly reached the hand of her beloved-it was shaking and trembling. It was cold. It was like a nightmare.

They looked at how the blood recede in his body.

It was now pale.

He was as pale as an ice and as lifeless as corpse. Sandy, Cadmusse, Apple, Kaius, Jada, Harkken and Nash heard how the people outside the room shout a happy Christmas to their endeavors and to the patients they encounter.

Everything outside was filled with contemplate joy and happiness whilst the people inside Clarity's room was full of grief, sadness and sorrow.

"No!!" Nash screamed as he looked at Clarity.

"No! Please don't leave us! No! Please no!" He kept strangling Clarity but it was no avail. Clarity was already dead and his body is already lifeless.

So this is what he must pay for living?

How absurd is the world?!

Nash gripped Clarity's collar and looked at him. As his tears dropped by, he saw how white he is and how his eyes closed.

A tear dropped on Clarity's face.

"Baby, please wake up!" He said softly as he sobbed.

Sated with sadness, the rest of the people only looked at Clarity while crying softly.

Then Apple faced Jada and Cadmusse.

"You!" She stormed. Full of anger and hartred.

Jada and Cadmusse no becomes scared. They held onto each other's hands tightly as they saw how angry Apple is like she's a devil and anytime she could kill them.

"You're the only reason why he died!!" Her screamed echoed the whole room and Apple doesn't care if people outside will hear her voice.

"He died because of you! You fucking devils!"

Harkken got ahold of him but Apple shoved him away and slapped him hard that made his lip bleed.

Then Apple's hands landed on both Cadmusse and Jada's faces. It created a loud snap.

"Because of you two,"

Apple pointed Cadmusse and Jada who was looking at her with sadness while touching their face from how painful her slap and how hard the impact is.

"Clarity died! If you've only been a good parents to him, he wouldn't have to suffer and experience this kind of life! He's only a teenager and he has many dreams in life that he wants to reach but look at now?, will he be able to achieve his dreams?! No!! Its all because of your shitty attitude towards him!" She shouted.

"A-Apple-" Harkken said but Apple slapped her once more.

"And you! Do you think a month, or two or three may satisfy Clarity's life?! No! All his life, he yearns to meet his father. His fucking father who left him and suddenly revealed himself after 18 years."

"You don't have the right to-"

"What?! I don't have the right to belittle you like that? Is it my fault that Clarity revealed to me all his secrets and yearnings? Is it my fault that everytime he mentions your name, his eyes tells me that he wants to meet and see his father? Is it my fault that this woman," Apple pointed Jada.

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