Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

THERE ARE so much that his happening right now at his life.

Not only did Clarity experienced treason, harassment, torture, violence and hell over his life but never did he ever realized that he had found his father. It was ephemeral though.

Currently, he is unconscious at the hospital.

Kaius, Nash, Apple, Jada, Cadmusse and Harkken looked at Clarity. He was subtly unconscious. From the color of his skin that was once light brown now so pale and as white as snow flakes. After Harkken had introduced himself, Clarity suddenly lost his consciousness.

"Look at what you've done!" Cadmusse angrily stated.

Harkken looked at him sarcastically.

"Says the one who threatens his own 'foster' child everyday with violence and prejudice. Such imbecile and pretentious words coming from you." He replied. Cadmusse's blood and adrenaline rose at such fast speed and was about to attack him when Apple stopped them.

"Don't blame each other because the two of you had the same mistake as each other. You don't have the right to fight for him." She said coldly.

The two stopped fighting.

The door suddenly opened and the nurses entered the room.

They did some tests in Clarity and placed some equipments to him for everyone to see and ponder. When they saw the health monitor, it was beeping anonymously with vigorating security, telling everyone that he's okay.

But it was moving slowly.

And it sickeningly scared them all.

With that advent, they couldn't believe that Clarity endured such things.

A while ago, the doctor had revealed that his back was so full of whip marks and some of them have already infected due to bacteria or viruses from animals like cockroaches that roamed around his back full of wounds when he was unconscious.

Seeing the wounds made their life stumble.

Surely, Clarity did passed out after receiving large and long whip marks that could be counted and estimated from 17-36.

Clarity sure had pain.

Kaius on the other hand, tried his best to cure it with natural means but it seemed like the natural means of preserving ones medicine didn't falter the wounds. It only severed the wounds to thrive infect.

They were all sad.

"If Clarity was loved, none of this will ever happen..."

All of the people looked at Apple when she started that phrase.

"All that Clarity wants is for him to find the real meaning of love and to express it to other people, in return, he will be loved also but it seems like the tables have turned? Clarity loved everything in this world but the world itself doesn't love him, why is that?" Apple said unconsciously.

"And Clarity's been tenaciously gripping down hope that someday he'll find love and will experience love just like we do." Apple said teary eyed.

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