Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

IN THE DAYS GOES by, Clarity was not anymore communicating with his family. After what happened 2 days ago, surely, he doesn't want give attention to them. But he is also securing their safety.

His parents, especially Sandy and his grandparents also didn't gave him any attention. They just did their own normal life; His parents loving Sandy and praising her including his grandparents while Clarity will focus his business.

And for days and weeks, the only person that Clarity communicated was Apple. "Miss Apple, I have come to pick you up!" Clarity said while he was walking towards the exit of the subdivision gates.

"Okay, wait for me there!"

The line ended and Clarity waited Apple to arrive so that they could already go together to the school. After a couple of minutes, Apple arrived.

"Good morning, Miss Apple!"

Apple smiled at Clarity. "Good morning too, Clarity". Together, they walked outside the subdivision gate.

"So how's your condition?"

Clarity showed an sad smile. "Lately, I have been ignoring my family, but I always secure their happiness and safety. Countless times, I patrolled outside the doors of our home when they're asleep and go back to my room after 2 hours."

Apple saw how determined and devoted Clarity is in terms of safety. Apple saw how Clarity loved his family despite the harsh rejection and bellicose treatment.

"Why do you love your parents?"

Clarity was stilled about the question. "I mean, why do you love your family despite their rejection and treatment to you?"

"Surely, anybody would plant anger on their hearts and wished that to end like you know, wishing them to die?"

Clarity immediately sighed.

"Don't say something bad about my parents and family." He reprimanded Apple.

"Oh, I beg your pardon!"

Clarity sighed again before answering, "It is love that made me realize how important a family is to a child or teen's life."

Apple looked at Clarity for a second.

"It is how I believe in faith that one day, my family would accept me as myself. It is in prayer that up to this day, I still hold on tenaciously the days as if it was a blessing to me."

"I love my parents because they did let me live, feed me, clothe me, sheltered me, even though they treat me harshly; so different in Sandy's."

Apple felt how sincere Clarity is.

"Up to this day, I continually hope that they could show me the love that I need. If its on Christmas. That is what I wish for."

Clarity smiled as he looked at the clear skies.

"I wish that this Christmas, my family would ask for forgiveness, would hug me, would let me feel that I am not the only person fighting my deepest problems; that I am the person who'll make the relationship together happy. I wish this Christmas, all my petitions and devotions would be heard and supplemented. I don't want materialistic things, I don't want fame, I don't want everything else, just their love."

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