Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Warning: Violence ahead

AFTER HOURS, Clarity's eyes slowly opened. He found himself chained in a chair. He looked at himself and found several bruises. His body also started to ache.

There was a florescent light shines on top of him while the rest of the surroundings are dark enough for him to be curious what lies beneath that place.

Where am I? He asked himself.

He tried to break free using his teeth and his legs but the chain was just tight and hard enough. "W-where am I?" He unconsciously voiced that out.

Out of oblivion, there was a shadow of men that was going towards him and Clarity got ahold of himself as the foot steps came nearer and nearer.

"Clarity Sebastian Sotello.."

Clarity started to feel scared and his body starts to shiver. "Well, well, well, we have finally meet again!". Clarity was confused about the word, "finally meet again" Clarity seemed to think if both of their worlds met.

The fuck?! I couldn't remember!

I mean, Clarity couldn't remember the time when they last met so meaning, they haven't met at all. 

Suddenly he received a hard slap.

"After letting our daughter suffer, you will be paying even greater amount of it!"

Clarity looked him with an even confusion.

As far as Clarity knew, he didn't touch anybody nor let one another suffer. Just what the fuck does this man is talking about?!

"I don't know what you're talking about."

The man leaned near to him and whispered. "Don't you remember at the airport? A month ago? When you hit our precious daughter? Fuck she was contaminated and she got a cancer because of the impact that she fell on the floor! My daughter has a wound that time and you even caused it to be infected! Now, she's suffering there at that fucking hospital. Fuck you, devil."

Clarity wanted to protest.

Clearly, he didn't see the little girl because his eyes were fixated to his parents. He wanted to follow them. His eyes are very glued to them that he didn't see nor feel that he bumped in to another person.

"Bu-but... I-have m-made my apologies..."

Clarity looked sincerely at the man and the man punched him so hard that he felt his neck stiffened.

"Apologies are not enough.."

"Apologies are not enough!!" The man slid his toes and punched in Clarity's genital so hard and pushing the chair away and his head hit the wall so hard.


Clarity was wincing in pain because he felt his scrotum crack. Fuck! It hurts! Ah! I can't move!

The man walked in front of him. "You're gonna pay me by torture.." The man choked him and Clarity couldn't breathe. Accidentally, Clarity's hands landed on the man's private body part.

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