Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

FOR MOST OF the time, Clarity would just receive most of the men's harsh treatments. In those times, he was trying his best not to pass out because for everything that they did, his sight would become blurry.

And those times, he was delirious. He was not speaking. And all he could do was to moan in pain and scream in horror.

Now, he can't anymore control the pain.

He was now chained and the chains were clashing like cymbals because of how he wanted to break free after currently burning is feet.

"Ahh! Stop! It hurts!"

But they didn't listen, one of them pierced a knife in his skin that led it to bleed which causes more pain as the fire was touching the place of wound.

The clashing became deafening and was the only thing that sound the building. That also echoed all throughout the room. "Fuck! Fuck! Ah!!" He moaned in so much pain as his body arched front in pain.

The fire was very hot.

He looked at his feet hat has been burned with blood splurting in every part of his feet. His feet is also starting to turn into black and like its been fried in a high heat.

"It hurts ah!"

There was something going on his stomach that made him vomit blood directing accidentally to the fire that made it die. He tasted blood in his mouth as he weakly looked at them.

The men were furious that made him fear.

"What...the...fuck...did you do..?"

Their voices were cold that made his heart pound hard.

They harshly grab his hair and forcefully stand him up. Then somebody wrapped a rope around his neck and pushed it back so hard that he couldn't breathe in a mater of seconds. He reached for the rope and forcefully removed it but the force was too strong.

The pain was added when 2 men punched repeatedly his stomach, it was strong, hard and painful and it made his right eye twitch.

He opened his mouth to gasp for air but failed.

He felt that his blood rushed forth up in his face as he was agonizing the fact that he couldn't breathe enough. The pain in his stomach sends forth for him to cough a blood from his throat. The man even pulled the rope that made him flinch as he arched his head up, gasping for air.

Is this where I die? I couldn't breathe anymore.

The man only stopped when he felt numbness in his body.  That's where he gasp for air so hard that his sight became blurry and he fell unconscious.

"When will boss arrive?"

"Arnold, mag-antay ka," the man named Arnold only grimaced as he step onto Clarity's arm. Blood was surrounding his place.

Little did they knew that someone was guilty.

He felt guilty as much as possible.

But he didn't show it because he knew that he would also became what the boy experienced-Clarity. He knew that he wouldn't do that thing to the boss.

Why? He didn't know.

He just felt it in his presence. And torturing him sounds very awful and disgrace. He watched him as he was being removed from the seat and harshly and placed back on the cell. Based from his body, the presence of death was near to the kid.

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