Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

THE SOUND of the thunder was heard at night. It was approximately 4 hours ago from the scene of the crime. Clarity was staying inside his room, wincing for pain.

His sight started to become blurry but he didn't stop himself from removing the bullet that he felt an hour ago after exploring the wound.

It was deep.

Clarity had to endure the pain he's feeling. God, it feels so painful. Ang sakit! Clarity had to bite his lips while he slowly removed the bullet by a bullet extractor. He identified it as a 12.7x99mm NATO bullet.

This bullet can range from 1,500 to 2,000 meters.

Upon removal, the blood spurted out and he started to cry in pain. "Ah...fuck!" He quickly reached for a clean cloth. He pressed the area with a pressure and the blood stopped. Now, the cloth was soaked with blood.

After a couple of minutes, he reached for a first aid.

He poured antiseptic liquid before putting an ointment for deep wounds before gauzing them up and wrapped it with a dressing. Clarity raised his arm but it won't. The pain was seeringly painful and erupting.

"Fuck its painful!"

He tried to reach his phone.

Good thing he could reach it and type it with two hands.

His decision of calling his father was final. It was his last resort. He placed the phone to his ears as he was dialing his father. After 5 rings, the phone answered.


Clarity inhaled deep before replying. "Hey dad," The line immediately went silent. After a coupld of minutes, his father replied, "What do you want?" Hearing his father's tone of voice, he became sad.

"D-Dad..Ther-there is a pro-problem.."

His father sighed.

"What happened this time?" His voice become so cold. Cold as ice. He gulped hard before gathering his courage and confessed what happened. "I-I got sh-shot b-by a bullet." There was a long silence on the other line.

Clarity's hope was already building when his father sighed.

"What? shot you? where?" His father asked him nonchalantly. Clarity couldn't say if he's caring for him or not but he's glad that he asked him. "At the arm, left arm, Dad." Clarity heard a sigh.

"Damn it! they didn't shot you on the head so you'll die!"

Clarity heard a laugh at the background and even his father. "We'll be happy if you die early you stupid motherfucking bitch. Oh, one thing, we'll be back next month. Do one thing that's not pleasing and I will be the one to end your damn fucking life, Clarity."

Clarity's world literally shattered.

He now feels being sated to cry so hard that his father would hear and to defend how hurt he is but he knew that he couldn't do it. And he wouldn't dare because at the moment if he will cry to his parents, they will disown him even more and even kill the fuck out of him.

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