Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

APPLE WAS WALKING back towards her home from school because after the session, she changed her clothes and went to her classroom where he found her valuable things and was the last person who locked the doors off.

She was now trailing her way back to the village. She passed many shops and cafes at the side corner of the street. When she was about to pass the 10th street from the origin, her eyes landed on the things scattered in the floor.

She immediately ran towards the things.

She found the bag was familiar and somebody from her student is owning a bag like this one.. he opened the bag and saw a cellophaned dobok attire; a couple of notebooks and books about Taekwondo. When she opened the notebook, she found a clean and neat handwriting.

But she was shock to find the name of the person.

Clarity Sebastian Sotello.

Why would Clarity leave his bag here? Where did he go? Apple was also reaching for other things scattered.

She saw papers. But there was a multiple foot prints of a person. Or baka naman, there are people walking here? She observed the surroundings.

Suspiciously, there are number of people but that many. What caught her attention is a four drops of blood in one of his papers.

Or a person walking didn't realized that he dropped a single amount of blood on the paper?

Everything was confusing.

Apple returned all the things in his bag and carried it going to his home. Gladly she knew where to find his home because he had his identification card in it and she knew where was Clarity's house.

After passing another 5 streets, she reached the village.

She greeted the guards and walked away.

Apple had her eyes look for his mansion. And so when she did, she immediately ran and the guards opened her. "Good afternoon maam!"

Good thing that the guards already knew her.

She walked in in front of his house. When she was about to ring the bell of the house, she heard a talk inside. And she could clearly hear it.

"So, Clarity was kidnapped."



A laugh escape from a man who, by her, couldn't be identified. "That's what a person could get after hurting another person. Buti nga sa kanya."

Clarity did hurt a person?

No, Apple doubt the person inside. No, she didn't and wouldn't believe the person talking because she saw how carrying and kind Clarity is.

Even if she was looking afar.

Clarity was helping with a smile and didn't expect something in return. Clarity wouldn't do that fucking thing! Because she heard it straight from Clarity's.

She knew when the person is lying.

Clarity was not lying at her. He was saying a pure truth and Apple considered him as a son already. And she knew that Clarity wasn't a liar, in fact he is an angel.

An angel martyr.

Apple contained her anger and instead, she pressed the bell of the mansion. After a couple of seconds, the door opened. It revealed a woman in age 30's. She was beautiful and seemed professional.

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