Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

KAIUS IS CURRENTLY feeling something in his heart that he never experienced before. "You know, out of all the people in the world, why Clarity?" From that statement, Kaius knew something was happening. Yes he.

"What happened to him?" Kaius asked Apple.

Apple looked at him, smiling bitterly at him before sighing. "You may have seen Clarity so happy outside but he's destroyed inside." Apple held in Kaius's hand.

"Do you still accept Clarity after this?"

Kaius nodded abruptly and Apple saw the determination and love in Kaius's eyes. "Do you love him already?" Kaius stilled at that question. He closed his eyes and averted his eyesight over the other hall.

"I-I mean, I am witnessing his life for 5 years. And 3 years ago, I felt something for him. And I also accepted what I felt for him. I know I am a pedophile but I just can't behave myself."

Apple smiled at him before caressing his cheeks.

"Darling, love requires no age and no gender. For as long as you love that person, you want to protect that person, you want to cherish that person, its rightful." Kaius smiled at him. "Then would you consider my affection for him as love?"

Apple still smiled at him. "I have seen it in your eyes."

"Now, back to the question..."

Kaius noticed how Apple's face drastically changed from happiness to chronic sadness. "I actually came to hear this from Clarity himself when we talked about it heart to heart about a month ago. His condition and his life affects him greatly..."

Apple sighed before she started it.

"You know, Clarity is abused by his parents.."

That made Kaius stiff with shock in his eyes. What?! He's abused? In what way? In what situation?!

"Its quite intriguing to know why such angel would deserve all the anger that the world has. He's just young and a bright future waits for him but no one else is supporting him."

Kaius's chest strickened.

"Out of his 18 years of existence, no one dared to support or to love him more than any petitions he repeatedly lord. Needless to say, he is repeatedly cursed, bullied, he even received multiple threats from his family that he'll kill him! Not in his experience did he ever receive a love or care from his family."

Kaius gripped his hand so heard while his chest was tightening and his tears fell down in his eyes.

"B-but...he-he's kind.." his voice broke.

Apple hold his shoulder. "He wanted to act like that because he doesn't want anybody to know what he truly feels because as far as his concern, he has problems with regards to trusting one person. There was a time in the past wherein he trusted several people whom he met, to create with a circle of truest friends that would best help him whenever he feel down and would keep all details in secret. In the end, Clarity was the one who was betrayed. He was the one whom the people he trusted betrayed him.

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