Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

ITS BEEN 2 DAYS since they heard the sad and painful news. Everything was not on place anymore as they heard that statement made by the doctor. And it was not a joke to take. It made them literally crumpled in fear and sadness.

"M-Miss Apple?"

Apple's imaginations suddenly jolted back and faced her class for teaching. She wasn't teaching any basic principles or any techniques with regards to Martial arts but was teaching subjects at a normal university.

A different University, it is.

And Nash was even part of it.

"Y-Yes?" Apple asked Jameson, one of her students in Section1-A. He was looking at her with utter worriedness on his face, so as her other students. " were idle for too long and you've paused for almost 25 minutes now. Is there something wrong? Because I have seen you thinking about something. Maybe its big because I saw how your face, um...literally just averted at a rapid rate..." He smiled shyly.

Apple literally was just shock.

Idle for about 25 minutes?

Just how long he was thinking about Clarity? It was like 5 minutes ago when she did it. Is that how she is thoughtful of Clarity? She heard that Kaius literally resigned from work because he suddenly faced some disaster on home.

Gladly, their General has accepted and granted his request.

His teammates were literally crying, especially their army because Kaius was literally part of their lives and he was the one who made sure that everything is strong and precise.

He's the reason why they're always winning battles.

Because of his tactics, his intelligence, perseverance, mindfulness, and kindness made the team flourish and abided strong sense of togetherness and fathom kindness and understanding for each other.

Kaius was like a father in the group.

Well, they don't need a mother anymore because Kaius was already good enough to be a mother. Both mother and father it is.

"Um...Miss Apple? You're idling again?" Reminded little Keira.

Apple shook her head and resumed teaching.

She was teaching about basic Trigonometric Sequences and some Laws on Sine and Cosine. Each time she tries to forget those unfavorable events, would came down rushing again towards her mind. She has already been warned multiple times by her students but she is failing miserably.

Its like her heart is somewhere else.

Somewhere finding Clarity.

When lunch preceded, Apple stayed inside the faculty, eating quietly while staring at one direction with her mind clouded with thoughts that seemed wouldn't end so ephemeral. With clouded thoughts, Apple wasn't able to hear her surroundings.

Not even a slightest faint sound of a fly.

"Apple Yvonna Charlotta Amadeus!" Someone said.

Apple immediately shook her head and faced everywhere just for her to register that voice and she didn't realized that Ellysse, Apple's bestfriend called her.

"Why are you out of yourself today? Isn't that about what you told me yesterday?" She asked in confusion and hearing it makes Apple sigh in defeat. "I don't what I'm gonna do! That news has been fucking me for about 3 days straight. And dear fuck, I couldn't process everything. It just fucked out my mind." Apple said.

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