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I would like to dedicate this story to Blue_hestia , Mr_Ralf, MafuyoGives1111  and to all the 406 followers I have. I had a great time writing this story and for this advent, I would like to rewrite this in different manner. But I had a wonderful time writing the story!

Listen to the media above to
further embrace the Epilogue of this story



December. 24, 2021

SOMETIMES, PEOPLE come and go in our lives. Some of them would leave us with good memories that would let us say that 'I want him or her back'. Some of them would also impact on how we live our lives. Some of them would also go away because they know that they are not mean't for you anyway. But just stay to be happy and you will be loved.

~I know its been a while since our eyes last met
too many words were left unsaid~

Sometimes, we are faced by a large barrier--two barriers to be exact that pushes towards us and trapping us, until we ran out of breath and bursting our bodies--crushing us.

Sometimes, those barriers even heightens when hostilities greatens and seemed to crush us out in the sea.

~Your head was poking out of the driver's seat
Eyes full of tears, I couldn't leave~

"The medicines couldn't affect the patient's body anymore and its not effecting. I am afraid that Clarity would mostly be alive before or after Christmas." The doctor said as she threw a look at Clarity who was weakly lying on the bed.

~No matter what I do,
I still feel you comin' back to me~

All of the people present in the room was totally agape and shocked and sad at the same time.

"I am very sorry" The doctor left them in the room.

With tears in their eyes,

They walked beside him while still looking at him. Clarity was sleeping, His face is pale and his body is slowly showing some wrinkles. Clarity was breathing hardly through the Nasogastric Tube.

~But I know that you never will,
So before I say goodbye,~

Two days ago,

Clarity suddenly woked up, seizuring hardly. Kaius, Apple, Jada, Harkken, Nash, Sandy and Cadmusse panickly shouted for help among the nurses and doctors found outside the halls of the hospital near Clarity's room.

It was a change for them.

And it scared the fuck out of them.

~Would you do one last thing, for me~

"Nurses! Apply IV to the patient! He is now seizuring greatly and he's losing his consciousness! Faster before going him to the emergency room! He's now very pale! Faster!" The doctor panickly said.

The nurses accompanied also increased their momentum.

After that they went him to the emergency room.

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