Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

EVERY SINGLE day, for most of the people sees it as another new day for work, school or doing house chores. People would be happy at this point but not him-Clarity.

He was enduring with all his might the devils lurking around and letting him feel hell in earth. His body is ached so much that even standing up and crotching would be an impossible task to do.

Plus his genital was also tortured.

A while ago while he was asleep, the men carried him and placed into a chair, tied him up and played his genital.

One of them thrusted a knife on the opening which results to blood explosion over his genitals. That was the reason why Clarity suddenly woke up screaming in so much pain.

Currently, the pain has slowly receded but when he tried to move, the pain would just return. He could only see it with his right eye because his left has also been gouged.

The enucleation was very painful.

It wasn't just an ordinary enucleation by the doctor whose actions are carefully done so to not discomfort the person he or she's been doing with also an anesthesia injected so to comfort the patient.

It was a hellish and cruel one.

But he was very confused on why did he survive, for all the days that he stayed in hell with them.

Right now he couldn't see and his right eye was full of bruises that left swelling that he could see to or no vision at all.

Damn it! I hate being like this!

But he couldn't do anything now because his body is beaten badly that it caused him to tremble. He's sure that there will be scars left in his body.

He tried to open his right eye.

He felt relieved that he could still see the surroundings but not with two full eyes.

It was evening and the cold breeze of the air hit his bare body that causes him to tremble. These past few days, he was feeling chronic fatigue and exhaustion. Sometimes his head would turn and excruciates pain.

Sometimes he would threw off blood on the floor.

Now the room smells like blood. With flying insects, maggot and cockroach crawling.

His life has been tied from death.

Everything in the surroundings are very quiet and he could only see the night sky found at the ceiling where there is a part where the ceiling cover had no cover at all and Clarity was looking at that. He saw a black void with dots of lights stilling on the skies.

His tears suddenly flowed.

He suddenly reminisce the past. All the pains he underwent, all the hostilities, all the abuse, all the prayers, all the sacrifice, all the smiles and everything would just end here. Right at this moment. Truly that he's already of this life but there is still this hope that he got from somewhere he couldn't explain.

The beauty of the night reflected how poor and lowly he is.

Oh how the world doesn't fit for him.

He weakly turned his head over the gate that has been locked. There was a light litting at the distance but he felt lonely in the building. It wasn't lively.

He missed his parents.

He missed being in his school where martial arts are taught because Miss Apple was there. He wonders if those people are worried about him. Guess he felt that those persons especially Apple didn't care anymore.

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