Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

WITH THE COLOR of the skies now tainted with a vibrant violet color with a hinge of blue and orange that is together mixed like a painting. The scenery made it more profound as the stars and the white moon was visible.

The street lights have now been turned on and the vehicles started lighting up their headlights to profoundly lighten up their way so to avoid accidents.

And now, Nash was facing the entrance of the hospital, perplexed with the nervousness and anxiety that he felt since a while ago.

He is reluctant to enter the hospital though.

When he got home a while ago, he placed his bag on the table beside his chair and changed it to his body bag.

He brought with him a charger, two extra shirts, an earphone, a wallet, and his cellphone. He went downstairs and asked his mother—who was the only one in the house because his father is having a business meeting with a legal adviser from the other companies which was also the reason why his father will come back home late at night later.

Gladly, his mother allowed him to.

With pertains to time, his mother didn't say anything so he was happy to take a taxi and go home late without being reprimanded for such indespicable act.

Nash looked at the time—it was 5:45 in the afternoon.

Valorant Head Quarters was standing on the distance and could be seen from afar; with that tall structure like a high-rise tower, there's no way that it couldn't be seen lest if the person is blind.

He was standing on the entrance for like 25 mintues already.

What if Clarity pushed him away? What if Clarity hated him by now? After what happened a long time ago, Nash proudly thought that Clarity would still grave that incident to which extend, scared the fuck out of him.

He made his decision and walked inside.

He asked the front desk where is Clarity and after the nurse found his name on the medical doctor's list, he was guided to the room where Clarity is.

When he reached the front door, the nurse left him as she will be internalizing some aspects with regards to other patients.

Nash stard at the door.

He knew that at the back of this door lies the boy who caught his heart a long time ago and it's a paradox why did Nash accept it in a very short time.

Not years or months, just a short time.

Nash's heart began to pound as he felt his chest tightened and the tears are already forming on his eyes.

What if Clarity doesn't accept him?

What if Clarity despised him so much that seeing him open the door, he would scream on top of his lungs to leave immediately, knowing how ruthless and unforgivable he did to him in those times that Clarity was still at the school.

He was about to knock off when he froze in time.

He is reluctant whether to knock and open or not

But its now or never.

He wanted to see Clarity so much. He misses him so much that he felt something that is unrecognizable. Something that is off. Something that is lacking and something that is missing.

He did deep breaths before knocking and opening the door. There it revealed a peaceful sleeping Clarity in a hospital bed with no person to look at him.

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