Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

WHEN THEY REACHED a guarded house, Clarity immediately looked around. There was a large house but it isn't a mansion though. But there are soldiers guarding the house. The car parked inside the garage of the house.

Clarity could only look at Kaius as he unbuckled the seatbelt of his car, opened the door and walked towards the passenger's seat that can be found on the right side of the driver's seat and carry him.

"Don't worry, you're safe here."

Clarity couldn't feel fear because all he could do is have faith on these soldiers. They looked skilled in terms of arming guns and other deadly weapons.

"Did you connitively planned this?"

Kaius chuckled and nodded at him. "Yeah."

Kaius carefully walked him inside the house going to the clinic. Clarity couldn't help but to feel amazed of the house. It is elegant inside. The smell of richness could be tolerated. He didn't knew but he felt home.

When Kaius and Clarity reached the clinic, Kaius immediately placed Clarity in the bed carefully as possible.

Clarity saw Kaius holding a phone.

"Hello Dr. Sanchez? Yes, I will ask you a favor..yes.. I got him. Uh, he had wounds and majors around his body. Would you heal him? Yes? Oh God thank you! I'll be waiting in 15. Good bye."

Kaius dropped the phone.

He walked over to Clarity and got the first aid.

He was also a trained doctor but he wasn't correlating much with his work as a soldier and as a police. He carefully brushed his body with a wet towel. And it made him twitch in pain.

"Agh fuck!" Clarity hissed.

That made Kaius chuckled. "Stop cursing, if you wanna moan the pain, just do so. No porno okay?" Clarity suppressed a little laugh.

No ridiculous.

Kaius continuously rubbed the wet cloth over his body to clean the wounds that has infested over all his body. Clarity continued to curse and to moan.

The pain was so electrifying that he ended up arching his body whenever the wetness hits the open wounds on his body.

Kaius looked at Clarity.

His body is delicate and sensitive. How poor.

Kaius looked at his body. It was torrentially full of deadly arts and weapons that left some wounds that he thought would leave some scars when it healed. He saw large cuts and slashes from knifes, he even saw his bone marrow already saying hello to his body.

There were some maggots infesting the wounds so he got a plastic hand cover and got the maggots out. Clarity lose a large amount of blood.

No wonder why he's pale.

Kaius also saw scratches and other wounds but what triggered him is the noticeable wound that has already healed but left a noticeable scar.

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