Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

CLARITY HEARD A bell outside the door of the mansion. He wandered who might the person be. As much as possible, he didn't have any order from online shops found on the internet.

"Who might be the person? Alas siyete na ng gabi?" He walked in front of the door. He felt something was different. Should I open this?

When he heard another bell, he was stilled and suddenly opened the door. Gladly, it was Miss Apple. But what might an Apple Yvonna Charlotta-Amadaeus doing here?

"Hello Miss Apple!"

Apple gathered his courage to have a sincere talk with Clarity since its been weeks when Clarity had joined the class and each week, their relationship grew closer and closer.

Clarity is giving her a chance of trust.

Gladly, Apple was different from the rest of the people that he met. He didn't knew but he felt so comfortable around her presence.

"Halikayo! Pasok!"

Apple entered the Mansion and was surprised to see the overall design of the mansion. How magnificent and rich! She saw Clarity went into the kitchen.

"Where's your parents?"

Clarity chuckled before answering, "They went to Baguio 6 weeks ago and I don't know when they will come back." Apple was shocked to hear this.

"They didn't take you to the trip?"

Clarity looked at her; directly in the eyes. "They did not and they would never take me. Ever." Then he smiled.

Do I need to pour down this thing?
He asked his self. But seeing how trustworthy Apple is, maybe its right to tell so?

But I need to be vigilant.

Clarity needed to be alert because he didn't knew what does Apple hide behind those kind face and a calm eyes. Maybe she's trying to get his trust and soon break off by leaking the most important and private information.

"Good thing I cooked dinner. You should eat dinner with me, Miss Apple if you wouldn't mind?"

Ape nodded and smiled softly.

"You can sit there at the sofa, I'll just turn on the television." Clarity guided her to the sofa.

Clarity turned on the Television.

"What do you want to watch?"

Apple smiled at him. "Anything. Sort of." Clarity smiled at her and went to Netflix and stopped on the drama genre. He found an interesting Filipino Drama and played it.

While waiting, Apple stared at how responsible Clarity is. He handles the dishes with care but he's quite fast.

He is able to serve at a restaurant.

Clarity designed the dining table. He placed the placemats, the glasses, the spoons and forks, the rice, the food, and the vase with a cute and majestic flowers.

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