Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

Clarity was so shocked when he heard the statement that the man who introduced himself as his "father" uttered. He didn't have the opportunity to replenish the information.

"For sure you are still confused that I appeared so suddenly in front of you with no proper introduction."

Clarity's "Step-Father" knew the what was going on.

"Sandy, Jada, come to me. Let them talk."

Harkken looked at Jada who was now staring back at him.

She still couldn't process the fact that Harkken, the one she had a one night stand more than 16 years ago that gave rise to her pregnancy to Clarity.


Jada held in her husband's hand and walked outside the door.

Clarity looked at his mother who was helding down her head low. When they disappeared in the room, all his attention was focused on his father. The "real" father. He was smiling knowingly that made Clarity heightens his agenda of alertness even though he still couldn't move his body.


The voice was calm but with authority.

Clarity began to gulp. Harkken is very intimidating. He's scary.

"F-Father..." Was all that Clarity had reiterated.

His father reached his hands towards him that made Clarity retreat his body towards the end of the hospital bed. The hospital bed was wide enough for him to retreat himself so that his father couldn't reach him.

"Son..." His voice is now broken.

"W-Why are y-you here?" Clarity asked im stuttering.

He can't sulk right now because the ambiance is already heavy and intimidating.

"Clarity, I am sorry that I only appeared now--"

Clarity stopped him by interrupting him saying, "Sorry? W-Why are you-you sorry Sir? You didn't find me for over 18 years of my life, so what's the point of saying your apologies to me?" Clarity didn't to sound so rude.

"U-Um...Sir, maybe you're in a wrong room."

Harkken tried his very best not to look pathetic in the eyes of his on but he couldn't stop it. He felt intense regret for not finding his son for the rest of his life.

"S-Son...I-I'm sorry..."

Clarity sighed at how sincere his father is.

"Come here..."

His father obliged and moved his body towards him. Clarity picked his head and hugged him. Smelling his hair, Clarity knew that his father's scent is the same as his. "Oh father...I didn't mean to say it...I'm just hurt..."

Clarity kissed his father's head and shuffled it.

He coiled his hand onto the surface of his hair and began to play with it. His father hugged him so much that he couldn't anymore breathe. "I missed you so much." He said.

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