Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

WITH THE ADVENT of foreshadowing, he planned to enroll himself in a school were defense was taught. A school wherein, martial arts was taught. That's right, I have to do this! Mom and Dad wouldn't care about me so I have to stand on my bare foot! He said in his mind.

He intended to enroll tomorrow so he opened his Macbook and searched for a nearby school. After searching for half an hour, he found a school.

University of Taekwondo? How interesting.

He pulled off to the reviews. Shockingly, the reviews were quite great and prominent. He found positive comments like, "My Son was now a black belter because of this school. Kudos!" and "This school is very worth it! It teaches you many different techniques and moves!" and so on and so forth.

The reviews reached up to almost half a million.

He searched for photos of the school.

The school was big and spacious like a typical university; with gates, 4 big student halls that, from he can see, reaches up to 10 storey. With a big and spacious green track and field. A garden, an arc. Like that of the UST's Arc of The Centuries.

But the arc in the photo was not too old.

He searched the history of the school itself. He found it very intimidating.

The group of people who established the school came from a royal family that is based on Pyongyang, Korea. The school was standing for about almost 100 years already but now it was renovated and the school became like a modern university.

There are currently 1.5M students enrolled.

The activities somewhat resemble a typical class subjects.

Shockingly, the tuition was free. All he need to do is enter an entrance exam by written course and with an average of 85, will be qualified to enter into the university. The school offers subjective lessons to the youth for defense and a daily activity.

It interested Clarity and he immediately searched for an application form.

The application form was just easy to see. Since the school year for 12th Grade would open at first week of June next year, he decided to enroll himself. It took him 15 minutes to finish the form and when he clicked finish, a notification telling that after an hour, he'll receive an email.

He felt anxious about the new environment.

But he's determined to learn. If they couldn't protect me, at least I could protect them. Yes, that's right, he will do it. "Time to clean." He sighed after saying that statement.

He turned on the television and went to Youtube to play some music before cleaning the house. After that, he proceeded to laundry his clothes on the washing machine, fed the pets, sweep the floor, wiped the windows and washed the plates.

He was so focused of the task that he didn't noticed the time. By the chance that he received the email, it was sent 2 hours ago.

He smiled when the President accepted it.

The start of the school year would be next week. The over all class year is from November to June.

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