Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

KAIUS AND CLARITY is currently on the private hospital near the Valorant HQ. Valorant HQ was known for its assistive and intellectual works with regards to crime scenes. They're not police but they are skilled when it comes to battle field.

"Good thing somebody donated an eye for the patient. Now she's also having her surgery for another eye transplant."

The doctor was asserting the information after the successful eye transplant and the treatment made by the andrologist for his damaged genital.

The operation lasted for about 10 hours.

It lasted from 8:30 to 6:30 pm.

Clarity was sleeping peacefully but the evidence of the torture can still be shown in his body. Through his face. Kaius thanked all Gods that he was able to survive the painful operation. "I thank you for everything Doc."

The doctor smiled.

"It is been my pleasure to help a person." Kaius saw Clarity sleeping peacefully on the hospital bed with a monitoring system that monitor's a person's heart rate and health.

"Oh siya, I will leave you for now."

Kaius smiled at her and she walked away down the hall. Kaius walked inside the room, not breaking his look at him.

When he reached the bed, he looked at him.

He brushed his hair.

It was soft and good. He didn't want to stop. After a few momentum, Clarity opened his eyes. Good thing he could now see with 2 eyes but the right was still in pain but it could be tolerable.

"Thank God you're awake!"

Without any thoughts, Kaius hugged Clarity and he sobbed. "G-god.. th-thank you.."

On Clarity's hand, he was confused on why this man was this caring and worried for him that it made him cry. It was Kaius who broke the hug while looking at him with tears in his eyes. Clarity immediately felt sadness in his heart and caressed his face.

Kaius took ahold of his hand.

"I don't know what will I do if you died, Clarity." His voice was full of hurt and sadness.

Clarity chuckled sadly.

He moved his face to kiss Kaius's forehead. He didn't know why he did it but it felt good. Maybe he's just happy because after 18 years of hell in his life, there was someone who saved him. And it is in the Name of Kaius Devron Vitanus and Apple Yvonna Charlotta-Amadaeus.

Two angels sent to him.

I thanked You for sending me angels who would save me from the pits of the hell. I love You very much and I owe my life to You.

Clarity's tears dropped as he hugged Kaius. "I am happy, Kaius. I am very happy."

Kaius reciprocated the same way.

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