Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

KAIUS WAS OUTSIDE the room and he heard every thing that Clarity and Nash was talking. He knew Nash more than Clarity. And Nash was proficiently good.

He sighed at the advent that Clarity doesn't love him.

But moreover, he's happy for Clarity.

Kaius opened the door and saw that Nash was hugging Clarity as he cried over his shoulder. "I am happy for you Clarity." Clarity on the other hand screamed in shock and Nash was startled.

"K-Kaius?" Clarity asked in unison.

So this is Kaius huh?

"Clarity, I am happy for you and Nash. I hope that when you chose him, you'll have the time to love me also." Kaius said that made Nash raise his brow.

"How do you know me Kaius?"

Kaius smiled knowingly at Nash.

"Yeah, I've known you for a very long time since your parents sometimes meet with me because your father is a legal adviser in Valorant. I have known all your files and backgrounds since Valorant requires all the files of all the members in their premise. Even though you never signed up or wanted to join them, you're now under them and you can't change it anymore."

Nash was left dumbfounded.

He couldn't believe what he was hearing!

Kaius Devron Vitanus knows him!

That's what Apple mean a while ago! She kept calling the name Kaius and Nash didn't know that the Kaius that Apple kept on calling is none other than Admiral Kaius Devron Vitanus!

"You're Kaius Devron Vitanus right?"

Kaius smiled and bowed himself. "Yes it is. Nice to meet you." At that point, Clarity was curious—how many people that Clarity knew, Kaius knew also?

"Clarity, are you feeling good?"

Nash was to witness how Kaius kissed his forehead and how Clarity felt comfort in his touch. He became jealous. Jealous that Clarity didn't do the same. But somehow, responded to his hug.

"I'm now feeling good, Kaius."

Clarity was about to semi-stood up the hospital bed when he felt intense pain on his wound.

"Ah! Fuck!" He moaned in pain.

Kaius and Nash went haywire and immediately called the doctors and the nurses outside.


Clarity felt so much pain that it made his sight blurry and dilated with the match of intermittent ringing of his ears that he couldn't hear what's around him. He feels pale.

By the time that the doctor, nurses with Kaius and Nash reached his room, he already fell unto unconsciousness.

"Doctor! Please!" Screamed Nash.

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