Life of the party (2)

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Getting into a cab and going to your destination, you wonder if its really ok for you to be there. Looking out the window going into your own thoughts again, thinking about the most random things until you get there.
The car stops, you pay and thank the driver. Walking into the gateway and giving your ticket to a guard, you walk in and see woman that invited you earlier.
"Y/n! You came! I thought it was going to be lonely here for a second."
You asked her, "Excuse me um Im sorry but what's your name?"
"Oh my Im sorry about that my name's Akane, but you can call me Aki for short." She smiled and ushered you inside.

Your nose was quickly flooded by the scent of alcohol and smoke. Seeing how many people were there made you feel out of place, after all you didn't know anyone there. Aki held onto your arm and took you with her upstairs. Leaving the crowded area and entering a quieter area with less people. Everything felt completely different being in there. The room was dimly lit, there was a bar and couches, as for a few men chatting in some areas. Aki pulls you with her and sits down beside two men with purple hair and suits.
"Y/n these are the Haitani brothers, they're our higher ups and this is a private room specifically for the higher ups."
Surprised your breath hitches and you ask,
"Then, why am I in here Aki. Im not supposed to be in here."
Your tone calm as usual but on the inside you panic wondering what they would do if you were in their private space. The two brothers lean back in their seats and study your every move and body. Feeling their eyes on you, you grow uncomfortable and look away trying to distract yourself.
"They look just like a doll Aki, so unreal and pretty, so expressionless."
You look down and Aki hands you a drink, giving you a reassuring look and replies,
"They're the new secretary and they did they're work so diligently I was wondering if I could make them my #2."
The other man with longer hair responds, "Do you think they have the qualities to do that. After all they barely started."
Aki looking eager as usual says, "I believe they can do an amazing job and I myself will train them in every area."
With those words the first brother that spoke sat next to you and put his hand to your face gently grazing your cheek.
"Your even cold, like a doll."
You sigh and say "Aki, where is the bathroom."

Hiding inside a stall and drinking whatever it was that Aki gave you, you began to get slightly dizzy and make your way out. Not remembering where the room you were previously in was you slowly walk inside a room with a similar door. Dim lights and smoke filling your senses and hear quiet moans coming out of someone's mouth. Quickly running out of the room and finding the brother with longer hair smoking at the door. You walk towards him and ask, "Im sorry I got lost is this the room we were in before?"
He looks at you and sighs,
"You're not a heavy drinker are you."
He holds you and takes you inside back to where you were sitting before with Aki.
"Uh where did Aki go."
Leaning back again and saying, "She got a bit busy with someone."
Oh, so she was in that room. I did catch of glimpse of her hair.
"Relax a bit, no one has any intention of hurting you."
Relaxing your body a bit, you barely realized how tense you were.
"There we go, my names Rindou. If you need anything just ask for my name got it."
You nod and let out a slow breath. Feeling an arm wrap around you, you turn to the side and see the other brother drinking.
"That's Ran, my older brother."
You oddly felt comfortable being around them now that you knew their names. Drinking and chatting about random nonsense, talking about your likes and dislikes. They grew very fond of you and ended up giving you their private numbers in case you needed anything.

Too tired to notice someone that walked in Ran calls,
"Hey Sanzu come here, there's someone we'd like for you to meet."
Leaning into Ran too tired to move, a tall man with pretty long lashes and pink hair sits down infront of you. Realizing who it is but too drunk to give a reaction you look at him straight in the eyes smiling slightly.
"Don't they look like a doll Sanzu? You used to always have a strange obsession with them." Ran says.
"She looks wasted, and tired. How much alcohol have you two given her and why is she even here."
You sit up and move towards him.
"You're very pretty for man with scars, they're very pretty and so are your eyes."
Your body moving on its own grazing his scars with your hands. The three men too stunned to lift a finger. That was until Sanzu pushed you back into Ran's hold and stormed out.
"Did I do something bad?"
Ran and Rindou bursting into laughter, while you slowly pass out on his shoulder.

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