The king is my enemy (22)

165 5 19

"You did what now."
Aki sat there sipping her coffee dumbfounded.

"Yeah I know it sounds bad but-"

She threw her egg at you without thinking smacking you right in the face.

"Uh well I panicked. And. Yeah."

She sighed and pulled her phone texting someone immediately ignoring you.

"Aki c'mon I panicked"

"Shush hold on"

Huh. "What is it?"

"I told him you changed your mind."



With a ding from her phone and got up dragging you upstairs.


"You have a date tonight time to get you ready!"

"Aki is 9 am.."



"Can you make me another egg then."



__(Sanzu Pov.)__________________________


Okay a date with. Y/n.

What do they even like to do.
Dinner? No too generic
Amusement park? Might be arrested
Gun training- no. Absolutely not.

What would they like. Think Haruchiyo think.

Call Rindou? Fuck. No.



Actually no bad idea.



"Uh Ran do you know what people usually like to do on dates?"

"Dinner club and to the motel"

...what a dumbass...

"Let me rephrase that better. You dumb ass Im taking y/n out for the first time I have no idea what to do so you better come up with a good date idea or the only bodies that are gonna be in a motel are yours and Rindous dead ones!"



"Just watch a movie..jesus christ.."

"Oh thank you sorry about that."

Call ended..

This. Asshole.


Im's cold outside and my nose is getting stuffy.

Ran was also being a prick and tripped me purposely then ran off.

At least Mikey's here helping me out.
For some reason..

"Hey Mikey why exactly are you not shut inside your office right now."

"The heaters broken and it's freezing in there."

Oh. Well no shit its cold. But why is he here.

"I'm cold too right now I think I'm gonna get sick."
You said as you rubbed your nose

He looked down carrying the papers as you kept walking leading the way.

"Well there's another way we can both warm up in my office together..."

Blowing your nose with a tissues looking towards him again.
"What was that?"

"Hm nothing"
He kept walking to your desk placing the papers down gently and sitting down beside you.

Working intently with your eyes on your laptop as he sat quietly just watching you.

"You remind me of someone I knew."

Still eying the computer.
"Yeah? Of who?"

"My mom"


"She was, a great mother."

Before you could look at him to respond he already walked off presumably back to his office to shut himself in.

Jeez. He has mommy issues.




Home at last time to rest, finally I can lay down.

"Time to get ready for your date~"


"Just hold still Im almost done"

"You're gonna make me look like the clown from the stephen king movie."

"I will not!"

"I don't trust you when you pull out red lipstick."

"Don't worry Im just using a little to tint your lips"

"Nose and eyes too?"

Aki smacked you with a hair brush once crossing her arms glaring.

"Let me make you look pretty"

I'm gonna look like a donkey...


"Outfit and makeup? Done"

"Don't touch my hair"

"Wasn't planning too last I did you stole all the food.."

Good. Good. She knows the consequences.



I'm outside :)


"I thought you didn't wanna go on that date y/n" she rolled her eyes and kept sipping her coffee

Putting on your shoes and running out the door quickly
"Bye Aki love you!"

You shut the door behind you.

"I love you too..."

_____(Mikey's pov.)______________________

They're on a date.

With. Haruchiyo.

Haruchiyo...the weakling

What am I doing. Why am I wearing a crappy disguise following them around.

Jacket. Shades. And a hat.

What is wrong with me.

Is it because I said they reminded me of my mom?



Shit there they are. They're so beautiful. Everything about them.

Oh and Haruchiyo's there too.

They look so. Happy.

He looks happy too.

Will I be happy too like that.

Of course I'll be once I have them I'll always be happy
I just need them to be happy

I just have to get them away from Haruchiyo.. No matter what..

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