Remember (18)

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The time passed. As you both sat their at the table.

You were telling your story to him, as he just sat and listened. Nodding his head every once in a while, and studying you.
Getting to the part where you managed to save enough to leave. Was a relief because it meant the story was almost over.

Before you could finish he stopped you.

"What happened to your parents."

You haven't heard from them in some time already. They were just another nightmarish memory.

"My fathers in prison. My mother was able keep herself walking free."

Both of you staring at the table now, not uttering a sound.
You heard him rising from his seat, and a click to your head.

Cocking your head at his direction. He stood there with a gun to your head. No fear of blowing your brains out onto the floor.

"Do you wish you could've died instead of your brother."

No fear in your eye's. Is what made him fear that gun in his hand. Regaining his composure and continuing staring into you.

"Why didn't you do this when you handed me that handkerchief that evening."

Looking down at your feet now, waiting for him to either respond, or pull the trigger.

"I wanted to see, if there was any other story. More tragic than mine."

Only nodding your head and accepting whatever it was that happened next. Only the get his weapon thrown into your hands.

"If you had the chance to kill me knowing I wanted to kill you. Would you do it."

Confused by his question you just study the gun in your hand. The detail in it looked like a work of art. Far more beautiful than any painting you could have ever created. More enchanting, more impactful, as if this master piece couldn't create another in red.

"I probably wouldn't, no matter how bad I wanted to. Or had to."

"And why is that."

"I burn all my works of art. This one would be different."

Unpleased with your answer he takes his weapon back and shoots at the window just past your head.

"If you can refer to this as a tool to create art. You're truly crazy."

Looking to the shattered window and back down to your feet.

"I want you to paint for me then. Or I'll have to paint something for you again as well."


You accepted to job offer, as long as Aki stayed by your side.
You felt safer that way, knowing that you wouldn't be alone.
What did bother you however, was that you just now accepted that you're affiliated with a gang.
Hell, you're in one. Now as an executive or whatever they wanna call you.

Manjiro left.
And he left you his gun, maybe as a reminder of what he'd do to you if you hadn't used this on someone else. A toy maybe.
You felt sick, like throwing up, yet you also felt nothing at all.
The whole experience felt unreal, you didn't know exactly how to feel about it as you were still processing.

After a while, you continued on with your day.
Aki was however quieter, and scheduled an appointment to get you, a new tattoo.

____(Manjiros. Pov.)_____________________

"Haruchiyo, I need you to assist me. Now."
Hanging up the phone and looking at the driver (Takeomi)

"Who was that sir."

Looking out the window, wanting to sleep.

"A new top member, teach her everything you all know."

"I don't mean to intrude however, why is she becoming a new top member. She's just a secretary."

"You know all those paintings I have kept inside that room Takeomi."

Takeomi taking a moment to recollect the thoughts.

"Yes sir what about them."

"She painted those, some years ago."

Takeomi standing there in silence

"I would simply like for her to paint something for me again. Her greatest work yet."

Takeomi nodding his head and taking his leave.
Mikey sitting alone in an office he'd hide away in anytime he was overwhelmed.

"You're so disgusting y/n"

"So disgustingly beautiful"


Sanzu making his way up the stairs into his boss's office, appearing infront of him ready to take any orders.

"Tell me anything you know, anything new."

Even in Haruchiyo's rage he still had a job to do. And his job was to keep tabs on anyone who was working in bonten. Even you.

"Any traitors have already been disposed of. The executives are having a meeting. And everything else seems to be in order sir."

Mikey leaned back in his seat, starring at the wall.

"What about that l/n girl. Anything new?"

Sanzu wondered, why your name slipped out of his mouth in that way.
It almost drove him crazy, hearing your name come out of anyone else's mouth.
It was so wrong to him, he could even kill a person who said your name without his permission.

This was his boss though, and whatever reason he had, he still had to answer.

"She's..been staying in her lane, and doing a fine job."

"Besides work, what's she like at the parties you all host."

Looking at his boss, and his changing demeanor, he simply said.

"Just like any other girl you'd meet. Yet. Much more exciting."

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