Odd (11)

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After a couple hours of being hooked up to an IV and watching TV with Aki. You were finally gonna be discharged. Not having to really get dressed since you refused to change anyway, you just took your medication recites and left in a cab with Aki. Stopping by the nearest pharmacy and picking up your medication. Aki walked around the aisles looking for something. After grabbing your bottles you roamed around the snack aisle picking up some chips. Aki was already waiting at the register for you, setting your things down. Aki already payed before you got the chance to speak. She gave you a smile and walked with you back to her house. Which was too damn far.
The whole way there she complained about how hot it was, or how much her feet hurt. Heh she acted like a child at that moment, and surprisingly she can be a completely different way the next.

Finally arriving and throwing the bags on the table, you both sit down exhausted. Aki ordering food and trying to feed you your medication. Now she's acting like your mom, or at least that's what a mom would act like. You hated taking meds, you always felt gross after or sick. The more you pushed back, the tighter her grip on your jaw was trying to get you to take your pills. Finally giving in to the bitter taste of whatever the hell they gave you. Feeling sleepier by the second.
Not wanting to give in yet again you grab your work from the table and start. Working out loan's, trade's, and counting a shit ton of money. This didn't seem like secretary work anymore, they might've moved you up without telling you. Not like it mattered that just meant you'd also get a raise.
Growing tired by the second, you fell asleep.


When you woke up, Aki sat beside you at the table also sleeping on her work. Wanting pay back for the jaw grabbing, you opened the jar of mayonnaise from the fridge and dipped her hand in it.
Her first action when she wakes up is rubbing her face. This was gonna be good, which also meant you needed to be at a safe distance. When she goes ballistic she really goes ballistic.
While you waiting, you heated up the food Aki ordered earlier. Eating a little less than half and putting it away again, you hear a knock on the door.
Walking towards it and opening, the same white haired man was standing outside holding a briefcase.
"Is y/n l/n here."
He asked.
Nodding and letting him in, he walked you through the work process and rules you had to follow now that you were promoted. Also handing you schedules for appointments and meetings. Also leaving a note with cash clipped to the side 'Don't tell anyone I was here.'
As if that wasn't weird at all.
But holy crap did he leave money.
You could've already bought carts of ramen from the convenient store.
Damn, he really left you cash, and all you can think of buying is junk food.
You put your new things away and walked back to Aki when you were done. Aki sitting in her chair arms folded, with a mayonnaise on her face.
"I'm gonna tell the brothers you made out with Sanzu."
Oh fuck.


"Please I'm sorry! Forgive me!"
Aki holding both your phone and hers above your head.
"Mm and why should I?"
Too tired to continue you jumped onto her and tried to pry the phones out of her hands. Too heavy to hold you both, you fall down with aki catching you breaking your fall. Before standing back up you hear the door open.
"Oh so like, are you two like. Fruity."
"I can see that. Ran."
Rindou elbowing Ran's chest before he could finish his sentence.
"We didn't come to laugh at Aki, we came to work."
"Yeah yeah I knew that."

Aki and you sitting on the floor watching the brothers have a small argument about the mayonnaise. Both of them just continuing their conversation. Until Rindou stops and turns his attention to you instead. Helping you up and looking nervous as he did. Ran and Aki now laughing at you both for looking to stupid.
Rindou staring at the wall, while you stared at his hand in yours.

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