blood (6)

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Aki took you drinking later that night because she was bored and needed a buddy. You asked her why she always invited you to places with her. She said it was because all the other secretaries were too scared of her to do anything but work. You shrugged and took it, and still went off with her.
However, now you had a drunk Aki laying in your bed, while you slept on the couch using pillow covers as blankets. She drank too much, she couldn't even call for a driver, so you carried her all the way to your apartment. She looked so peaceful while sleeping, she was really pretty too. She had fair skin, and long dark blue hair, she was pretty tall and looked like a model. How did you end up with her being your friend.

You haven't eaten all day besides the breakfast from earlier. You changed into comfortable clothes and ran to the convenience store to buy some frozen food or something. Paying at the register and walking out, you start walking home. Once again drifting off into your thoughts, you don't look where you're going. Going around the corner and feeling someone grab your leg from the darkness, you drop your things and look down at whoever it is. Seeing a man laying on the ground covered in blood calling for help, you quickly take your phone and call for an ambulance. Laying him down on his back and putting pressure on his would to stop the bleeding. You're taken by surprise when he pushes you to the ground switching positions with you. Thinking he was going to hurt you, you hear a single loud bang. His lifeless body falls now laying on you, blood seeping out to the floor.

You couldn't move, you didn't know how to react. You lay there staring at the sky, waiting for someone to come help. You hear the sirens coming closer, the bright lights flashing as someone lifts his body off of you. Picking you up and constantly asking you things you can't quite understand. You felt like you weren't even there, you felt so light, like you were floating. You couldn't react at all.


Arriving back home, your legs walking into the shower and turning on the water. You stood there looking down, seeing blood drain away along with the water. Images of his face flooding your mind. How heavy his body felt, and how warm his blood was when it covered you. Aki who was woken up by the sound walked in on you as blood fell off your body. Quickly running towards you, grabbing you and examining you to make sure you were ok. Both you now standing inside the water, as she hugged you crying from relief. Not a single word was said. Not a single word you could hear. Just Aki hugging you while crying, feeling, hearing the water and gun shots. Filling your mind once again.

After some time, aki removed your clothing and washed you herself. She dried you and covered you. She took care of you very well, as if she knew exactly how to. She put you to bed and laid beside you to sleep. So the hours past, the numbers on you alarm changed, and your eyes grew tired. Slowly, you were finally able to fall asleep. 


When you woke up, you already had another migraine. Looking at your clock you've realized you were late to work and got up to get ready. Before you could however Aki pulled you back down and wrapped you up in blankets.
"I called in sick for the three of us, we dont have to go today."
The three?
"Breakfast is ready Aki."
That voice sounds familiar.
Looking towards the kitchen, walked out Rindou holding 3 plates of food.
"Oh good you're awake."
He set down the food by your table, and sat down next to you waiting for you to eat.
"Thank you. Rindou." You muttered while staring at him wondering how he got there. Aki leaning on your shoulder eating and telling you to try the food.
You picked up the food and ate slowly, as soon as you tried it you started eating more. Rindou pleased that you seemed to like his cooking, he was glad because he's never cooked for someone else before.
"Y/n, we're gonna be here all day. So don't rush yourself to tell us what happened last night okay."
Oh. Right. You were covered in...
"Eat or I'll feed you myself y/n." Rindou said bluntly.
You didn't want to be any more trouble so you ate half of your food. After that Aki laid you down and did your work for you. Rindou took your temperature multiple times even tho you were fine. He did seem a bit annoyed while he was there, he was also kinda mean to you. However you still smiled the best you could, and eventually passed out surprising both Aki and Rin.

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