First day on the job (1)

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Turning off the water as you step out of the shower, you grab the towel beside you wrapping it around your body. Wiping the fog off the mirror with your hand your eyes meet reminding you how dark and dull they look. All your life you've been called expressionless, emotionless or doll like. You looked unreal to people, and you often wondered to yourself at times if you were even worthy of being called human. As you stare into your dead eyes you recall all the times your ex lovers would cling to you and say how cold your touch was. Being subtly offended by it each time you distanced yourself, wondering if it was ok or if they deserved someone who could provide them warmth. You let out a sigh and walk out of the steam filled room to dry yourself. Putting on the nicest work clothes you own and drying your hair you walk out of your apartment and off to work.


While walking along a semi busy street you're lost in thought again, thinking about the most obscured things and things people wouldn't even dare to imagine. Feeling the warm sun on your skin you yet again remember the words of your ex lover worrying about your cold touch. It wasn't something out of the ordinary, every time someone shook your hand or brushed into you would start to worry. However you were never sick, nothing was wrong with you. Slowly you grew to never let anyone touch you, in any way. Still lost in thought you end up outside of the building where you'll be working and reach for the door. As you open in you crash into a young looking man with silver hair. Quickly bowing and repeatedly apologizing he nods and continues on his way.

Making your way down to the desk they have showed you to the day prior, you sit down and are immediately handed piles of paperwork. One of the main rules of their establishment, never question anything, and do the job you're told to do. You were never one to get into someone else's business it never concerned you. You didn't care honestly you just knew you'd be paid well and took the job. While doing the paperwork and finishing half you're already handed another pile. Looking up and realizing its someone of your age with long dark hair. A woman who was also working as a secretary? She must've been of higher status, after all she's branded already. Moving your attention back to your work you continue all day until your shift is over.


As you finish and set down your pen the same women comes to you and sits down.
"What's your name newbie?"
Too tired to care why she wanted to speak with you, you replied.
"My name is Y/n L/n, I am the new secretary here."
She crosses her legs and rest her chin in her hand.
"Would you like to go to a party with me? The other new workers will be going as well."
You don't usually go to parties, or interact with others at all. However you felt like you had some sort of need to go.
"Hm I guess I could make an attempt to attend."
She smiled and left an envelope at your desk, an invitation.
She stood up and walked away.

Packing your things and making your way towards the elevator, you see someone else enter as well. A tall man with pink hair and a purple suit. Going inside with him and putting your destination, you catch a glimpse of his face. Long pretty lashes just like a girls. Bright sea colored eyes. Two scars at the side of his mouth. He looks at you, quickly putting your head down and pretending you haven't looked at him. He scoffs and gets off on his floor.
The doors closing behind him you look at him one last time before he's gone.
Staring into nothing as you make your way down to the first floor, you cant help but wonder where those scars where from. You cant help but wonder who he was.

Coming to a stop and running into the same silver haired man when the doors opened.
"Bow before our president."
Quickly following orders and them walking passed you, you take your leave and go home.

Arriving outside your door and unlocking it, you throw your things aside and look at the invitation. There being a dress code, address, and ticket.
You put it down and look into your closet, taking out the most formal outfit you had. Placing it on your bed and stripping down you look at yourself in the mirror, where tons of bandaids have been placed on your body. Before getting lost into thought again you grab your clothes and wear them. Doing your hair and adding any needed accessories. You grab your things and head towards the party.

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