Faint scent (3) //containes smut//

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Waking up in a bed, still able to hear music coming from outside. You drink some water that was already placed by a table for you. Standing up and washing your face a bit, then fixing your clothes. You look around the room seeing plants everywhere, a big bed and giant bathroom. Must be one of the brothers rooms, they've mentioned it was their building earlier. You walk out of room to look for your things, Aki, or the brothers. Once again walking into a room with similar doors and getting lost into thought. Smelling smoke coming from a cigarette, seeing a bed and a couch at the center of the room. On that couch was none other than Sanzu. Leaning his head back holding a cigarette in one hand, doing god knows what with the other. You hide behind a pillar, now being aware of the current situation you're in. Your ears being filled with the sounds of his smooth voice moaning. Moaning, your name.

Smoke filling the room and you breathing slowly trying to conceal your presence. Hearing him moan your name struck something in you no one has done before. Your chest felt heavy and your body felt warm. Closing your legs and covering your mouth you imagine him and his body over yours doing things no one dares to speak of. Feeling a tightness grow in your stomach and sudden yearning. You slide back and make a small sound. At the same time you can hear him move and let out,
"I know you're there, so come on out. Before I shoot you." If you didn't come out he'd come find you, If you did could die, but before you could think any farther your legs slowly got up and made their way in front of him. Looking down and not moving a muscle, not letting out a single breath. Feeling his eyes on you he says, "If you can satisfy me, I might let you live."

Too scared, your legs begin to tremble and you get on your knees infront of him. Face to face with his member out infront of you. Still as expressionless as ever. He lights another cigarette, and holds a gun to your head. "Hurry it up."
You let out a slow warm breath, taking in his tip swirling your warm tongue around it. Feeling him move a bit you glance up as he bites his tongue and his whole body goes stiff. Slowly taking more of him in sliding your hand up his leg to position yourself. He pushes your hair back behind your ear. Still too scared to move you hear a click beside you, now pressing the gun right on your head. Knowing its a signal to move, you do so as he places the cigar in his mouth once again. Looking down at you playing with your hair.

As he plays with your hair you feel the hard metal from his gun graze your ear every now and then. Breathing heavily and growing impatient from feeling your tongue and saliva all over his length, he grips your hair and pushes you down deeper. You struggle to breath and tears form in your eyes looking up at him hoping he releases you. Instead he starts bucking his hips upwards into your mouth. Placing his cigar back in his mouth he moves your head and plays with your free hand admiring you and your tear stained face. "You really are a doll, you're beautiful even while you cry." He lets out a grown and you feel him twitch inside you, gripping your hand and moving his hips slower. He comes to a stop and releases inside your mouth quickly pulling you off after.

Gripping your throat and putting down his weapon he pulls you up closer to him. Looking you straight in the eyes and says slowly, "Be a good doll, and swallow it." Doing as you're told he throws you back down on the couch beside him, gripping your chin and inspecting the inside of your mouth making sure you've left nothing. He sits you down in his lap, your back leaning onto him. Holding you close and burns your neck with his cigarette. Holding you whilst you try not cry, he undoes your shirt and bottoms.
Pulling your head back to the side, he bites into it gaining cries and whimpers coming out of your mouth, causing him to bite harder. Holding his cigar in his right hand and sliding it down to your arm to your stomach you feel something begin to burn your side. "Please stop! Please. It hurts please." You cried repeatedly. He plays with your hair and whispers into your ear trying to calm you, "Shhh, Its going to be ok, I promise I'll take care of you well, my precious doll."

Holding his cigarette in his mouth he ties your hands behind out and blindfolds you with his tie. He kisses your neck and plays with your hair.
You start to feel calmer, needier than before. Whispering something into your ear one last time.
"Take care of me well."

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