For the better? (16)

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"Would you like to go on a date with me?"


"Uh nevermind actually."

Taking a moment to recollect your thoughts and what he said. Finally trying to compose yourself and answering.
"I would love to."
You liked Rindou, he was kind to you, showed he cared for you, and treated you better than most girls he's been with. This could work well. Or not.


Both of you sitting in robes on your bed after showering. Not staring at each other or saying a word. Rindou laying down on one side and while you lay on the other. It felt colder than usual, your wet hair made the pillow feel colder and the remaining drops of water on your body made it worse.
Rindou laying on his side with his back facing you. You looked at his back, studying his breathing pattern admiring his form. You've never shared a bed with him before, being in one with him felt odd. Yet still you wanted something out of this. You wanted to feel the love the Sanzu won't give you.
Without thinking you slide closer to him and wrap your arms around him. Feeling his body tense up in your embrace and moving around to face you.

Still holding him and pressing your body against his you started to feel warm. Before you feel sleepy his arms wrap around you, softly enough to make sure he doesn't hurt you.
His breathing calmed you, it helped distract you from a lot that has happened the past few weeks. Everything has felt so rushed.
Your eyes grew heavy, your body relaxes, and you drift off to sleep.

____(Rindou's pov.)______________________

They were so small, and so fragile.
Her hands were rather small, but really cold. Her hands were roughed up, had little scars on them and tougher skin. Made me wonder what she'd been doing. Along with all the other scars on her body. They ruined the perfection of her skin. I've always wondered where they've come from, I'll find a way to get rid of them.

She looked peaceful while she slept, I did get a bit worried however the first time I saw her sleeping. I panicked because I thought she was dead so I called Akane.
I know I shouldn't have done this.
I couldn't help myself.
While she was currently sleeping, I slid the robe off her and watched her sleep.
I studied every inch of her body memorizing each scar and mark on her. Her hair, her face, I don't know why I did. I'm probably a horrible person for this. I mean I already am, but this will probably hurt her. More than I would want it to.

______(Mikey's pov.)_____________________

I got a few text from Rindou..
Saying he might send someone to me to spend time with..

I didn't need it or want it, but maybe he was just going to sell her. What did I care..
He sent me pictures of her..

How useless
Her body was covered in old scars and unfading bruises. As if anyone would want to buy a night with someone like that..
How useless..a persons body is. When all it does is die.

Her face.
Where have I seen her...maybe..


Morning came, Rindou was gone when you woke up. He might've been gone for hours.
You felt sick again, like if something bad was about to happen. Your stomach dropped, and the air around you got thicker and harder to take in. You didn't know what it was that made you feel that, but once again nothing felt right.

You got dressed, and went downstairs to Aki in the kitchen eating breakfast. Aki looked disturbed, terrified even. When she looked up at you, it got worse. She had you sit next to her and eat quickly. Before she said anything else there was a knock on the door.

Aki rushed towards it and flung it open, greeting whoever it was and letting them inside.

_____(Mikey's pov.)______________________

There she was, sitting at the table not knowing what was going on. Not a thought behind her eyes, or emotion emitting from her face. She looked, a lot, like...
She looked like someone I knew, but much more girlish and doll like. Her eyes didn't glow like his, she still reminded me of him. I've had enough of it.
And to think she's been one of my employees this whole time, was disgusting me in an odd way.

The fact she was still even alive was disgusting me.
That stupid expressionless face, her inability to even smile. I know who she is now.

I killed her brother some years ago, right infront of her...
I left the scene before I noticed her, I only turned around to look when I heard her crying.
I followed her home, and watched her carry the lifeless corpse all the way home on her back.
A small rundown apartment home, in a poor neighborhood.

When she got through the door, all I could hear was screaming, and the sound of plates hitting the floor. After a while. It was an interesting sight, watching her limp outside, bleeding and crying.
So for the next few months I've decided to watched her.


Sorry for the wait every one posting schedule is always hectic
Im gonna make a damn alarm to remind me to post now 😁

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