I miss you (12)

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I couldn't stop staring at their picture. All of them. Since the day at the hospital, I said I wouldn't see them again. There I was though, taking pictures, following them around, stalking them. Making sure they were safe all the time, I even sent Kokonui to go check up on them for me. God, I want to see them again, to hold them again. Its only been a few weeks, and even in a few weeks people can change. She was still quiet, towards everyone but Akane and the brothers. She even got close with Koko. God forbid Mikey know. I failed my task, he's been too busy doing what he was doing to notice however. Recently he also hasn't needed me. I have all the time in the world to protect y/n. I think I fell in love. I think Im obsessed. The things I wish I could do to them, the things I'd do, to make them mine.
I've finally confirmed, Rindou has a thing for them. Luckily he hasn't gotten anywhere. I know what he's been planning, he constantly ask Ran and me for help, while I obviously set him up for failure. They're mine. Not his. Not anyone else's. I still have their shirt with me, luckily their smell still lingered with me even after weeks. Just thinking about her makes me go crazy, and Im not even drugged. They make me feel this way, they take me higher than anything else I've taken. And its always stronger when they're around.

I've only caught glimpses of her with Aki drinking during parties, or her passing the elevator or at work. Or late at night when I follow her around as her guard. The longer I go with out her the worse I get, the withdrawal I get, the need to not feel anything but her. I place her frame back down and take more pills, changing into a new suit fit for tonight's party. Maybe tonight, I'll go see her again. Maybe I can make her mine again.


Aki was hosting a party this time, she was promoted again, which meant another raise. Eventually she bought a bigger house and convinced you to move in. Your own bedroom, was bigger than your old apartment. You both also now had pets. While Aki got the dog she wanted, you settled with a cat. Yeah they also had their own bedrooms.
Anyways, changing into new clothing fit for this party, you hear music get louder and guest arrive. Walking out greeting the guest, you run into him. Standing tall in a new suit perfectly fitted to his body. Weeks had past since you've last seen him, thinking the kiss at the hospital would be the last time.
Now here he was, standing in front of you, looking as perfect as ever.
"Welcome, Sanzu."
Your voice nearly caught in your throat.
"A pleasure to be here ms. May you lead me into the quiet room?"
Growing warmer by the minute you agree and lead him upstairs into the quiet room. Aki had it modeled a bit different, the walls were hand painted by you, red black and gold roses on a grey wall. Crimson red carpet, silver felt couches aligned the walls. Dim lights hanging from the ceiling, the bar looking amazing. No one inside the room, but you, and him. The only thing you could think about, the feeling of his warm body pressed up against yours, holding you so tight. Too busy to be lead away by those thoughts, you lead him into a smaller room with a table in the center, curtains hiding it from the rest.

Hearing more people downstairs, Aki was taking care of everything. You sat down, and waited.
"So, how have you been."
"Oh I've been better." You answer.
"Hm that's, good."
The atmosphere felt heavy, you were both tense. Very tense. You needed to alleviate the atmosphere somehow.
"I like your new suit."
That sucked.
"I like what you did with the walls."
"Oh that, yeah thank you."
Still very tense you decided to order something to drink.
"Do you want anything?"
"I'll have whatever you're having."
You order your favorite bottle of wine and two glasses. Both of you sitting quietly while the wine came.
Finally arriving he poured your glasses, and drank. Picking up your glass and drinking it like water, setting it back down and already leaning back.

Minutes have past, both of you had been drinking quietly, as the heaviness dispersed, you both grew comfortable enough to be yourselves. Talking about your favorite things to do, hobbies, and foods. Whatever it was, you enjoyed each others company. Laughing at any horrible joke you each made.
You leaned on his shoulder feeling tired. Expecting him to push you away, he wrapped his arms around you and sat you down in his lap. Staying like that saying nothing at all to each other. That warm comfortable feeling was back.

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