Pretend it never happened (21)

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Nsfw warning at the end.

Weeks later and you got used to your new job, now on the same unit as Sanzu. Killing people, how lovely.

He was surprisingly to say the least, he was always full of energy and was always so out of it. It was just a fun way to pass the time for him. He didn't care about any of those people even if he would pretend he did. Right in front of them too. Taunting them always.

Rindou came back but he hasn't talked to you either. Maybe he wasn't that into you after all. Shame.

Today was a day like any other, well it was at least like how things used to be before you met Sano.

A party. Held at Kokonuis this time. And you had to say, he sure did go all out.

This guy has a thing for gold jeez. At least now you know what to get him for his birthday.

This was way more put together than everyone else's reunion's though, damn red carpet, drapery, plants, chandeliers.
What the hell is this, Hollywood?

Straight to the private bar, maybe you're an alcoholic after all. Shame.
Momma wouldn't be so proud.

The second Aki walked in wearing a custom dark blue dress you couldn't help but stare at how beautiful she looked. She quickly got everyone's attention. Unlike you who showed up in a pants and random shirt, to be fair you only came for the drinks and to see what Kokonui could pull off. And he pulled his ass OFF.

Aki immediately sat down next to you smiling and ordering drinks. Starting a conversation to quickly catch up on everything you've missed out on with each other. Drinking and gossiping something you too should honestly do more often.

"Then he what!? No way!"

"Yeah and I thought it was going to work out" you said choking on your own works, still holding your half empty drink, no where near sober.

"Hm Im pretty sure he still likes you, maybe more than that, I mean the way he's been looking at you this whole time is starting to creep me out"
She said that way too calmly..

"He what?!" You spilled your drink ruining the dress pants your wore and some on the shirt you had.


"Don't worry Kokonui probably had some extra clothes somewhere, he's weird like that."

Well shit okay, she shoed you away to find Kokonui on your own and she ended up napping on the couch.

Lucky enough Kokonui was just outside the doors and hurried you into a room once he heard about your problem.


A whole closet of clothing. And dear. Lord.

What kind of shit is Kokonui into...

Picking out the easiest thing to put on, a lavender? Pink? Dress? Thing. Whatever color it was, it wasn't a bad looking outfit.

Quickly sliding off your wet clothing throwing it on the bed and hear someone's breathing in the room.

Walking slowly to peak over at whoever it could be you caught a glimpse at some long pink hair, and diamond shaped scars.
Hiding behind some plants.

An idea popped into your mind, a good one? Probably not. But it was an idea.

You sat down on the bed, from the corner of your eye waiting until he turned around to look at you.

When he did you discarded the rest of your clothes picking the dress up and slipping it on you. Sitting back on the bed sliding your hand up your thigh.

Touching yourself slowly letting out quiet moans. Leaning back a bit melting into your own touch.

Sanzu watching you wide eyed and unable to move.
Continuing to touch yourself and pleasure yourself moaning loud enough for him to hear you.
Sliding the dress up your thighs so he can see them shaking as your hand does it's work.

Losing yourself in the feeling you lean back on the bed moaning his name loud and clear.

Feeling another pair of hands sliding up your legs, smiling to yourself not stopping what your doing at all.

A hand removes yours and replaces it with a warm wet feeling on your core.
Looking down at him as he looks up at you, tasting you.

As you're about to say something he gets to work with his mouth, eating you so desperately. Moaning louder with every passing second. Gripping onto his hair tight.

And for him to set things straight he grips onto your thighs hard enough to leave bruises on them.

After working his tongue for minutes he gets up unzips his pants pulling them down along with his briefs.
Not wasting a second to slide into you.

Holding onto your body close as he buried his face into your neck.

"You don't know how long I've needed you back y/n.."

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