Love. (25)

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They stayed with me

Its been a couple days now

They've cooked meals for me and cleaned up after themselves

They're also taking care of me

This was unexpected...

Even after everything I did to them.

They said they forgave me.

Haruchiyos been calling me non stop asking what's happened to y/n.

He doesn't deserve to know.

So I told him they left.

They can be mine now, although they still feel very distant. I know that with time things will change..

I hope they do...

"Manjiro I made you some Taiyaki"

They even learned to cook some of my favorite meals...

"Thank you.."

I feel so weak..
Im vulnerable when they're with me.

And now they actually live here..

Is it selfish to only want them to myself.
I knew I had my mind set on them only being mine
But now I feel sick of myself

"C'mon Manjiro eat before it gets cold" they smiled at me and rubbed my back

They smiled at me

I really do feel sick of myself

But I have to eat, or they won't be happy with me.

I have to make them happy now. That's what I said I'd do right. Then why does it feel so wrong to have them locked up in this house with me..

__(Aki's pov)____________________________

Y/n's gone.

All their things were gone when I returned..
They left nothing

Nothing but a bracelet

A diamond one at that

Haruchiyo's looked sick since they've been gone.
Everyone's been assuring him that they decided to leave on their own terms.
But he keeps insisting someone's taken them and he won't tell us why.

I feel that way too. Someone. Took them.

And they did a bad job at trying to hide it.

They left pieces of glass on the counter, and blood was on the floor. It was poorly   cleaned

As of now I'm doing my own investigation, but everything's been leading me to dead ends. I'll need to ask Haruchiyo for help at some point.

It seems like now is the time to do so.


He walked into the abandoned apartment, disguised as I told him to.
He pulled his mask down and waited for me to say something.

He looked rather annoyed, he also didn't look sober.

"I think someone took y/n"

"I know Akane. That's what I've been saying for days already and you've all been calling me crazy."

At least let me finish..

"I think it was someone inside the organization."

"Do you think they're.."

"I doubt it, they wouldn't let themselves die so easily. They're alive. I can feel it."

I was sure they were alive. Y/n looks weak and fragile, I misjudged them. For thinking of them as a glass doll. I was dead wrong. They way they looked on every mission they carried out. All completed.

"They promised me..."

"Promised you what Haruchiyo"

His gaze darkened and the atmosphere changed.
This guy was scary when he needed to be, and he was pissed that someone took y/n.

"They promised till death do us part."

__(your pov.)____________________________

Its been weeks now maybe. Its winter now.

It was cold inside the house when Manjiro wasn't home, the feeling of the house was unsettling.

You opened the curtains to let in the faded sunlight, trying to warm up the room as much as you could.

You missed them


You missed Ran and Rindou despite not talking with them as much as before

You missed Sanzu

To think that just when you got him

You couldn't be with him again

What kind of stupid curse was casted on you. Was Saiko a witch or something now more than ever it seemed very likely. 

Even though you accepted to stay with Manjiro

You wanted to go after her

Maybe. If you went out just for a bit. And.

No. You can't you shouldn't.

Manjiro should be home soon, just make something to eat instead.

And maybe I'll talk to him about that mission.


He still wasn't home, you've been waiting for hours already. Not a call or a text. Your new phone was as dry as always.

You went to the bathroom and started the water for a warm bath, discarding your clothes and wrapping a towel around yourself.

You walk out of the room into the living space turning the heater on and storing the food in the fridge for Manjiro to eat later.

Checking your phone one last time, still nothing.

You sit on the couch leaning your head back, wondering when he'd be home.

Minutes later receiving a message from him.


I won't be home tonight I'll be back tomorrow night.


Alright be safe :)


I love you.

He loves me?
You put the phone down sighing and getting up to go take your bath.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door. Quickly hurrying to open it waiting to see who was there.

Once you opened it.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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