Run (23)

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The date with Haru was going great.
We watched a movie and he took me to eat some ice cream, later he actually brought me to a jewelry store and bought be a diamond bracelet.

As of now we're just walking around a park, I didn't even know this place exist until now.

The river nearby was relaxing to listen to, but every now and then I was sneezing. I did end up catching a damn cold. Shit.

"You alright y/n?" He turned to look at you still walking.

"Yes It's just getting cold." You said as you were wiping your nose off with a handkerchief.

Haruchiyo pulled you into his embrace wrapping you up in his coat warming you up instantly.


You leaned your head against his chest and wrapped your arms around him as well.
"Yes Haru?"


"In the future.."

Silence fell upon the scene, the breeze took a halt and the river was the only noise heard.

"Y/n would you marry me"

Marry. Him.



Wait what.


You walked inside closing the door behind you after waving Haruchiyo off.
Dropping the house keys beside you taking your shoes off to walk into the kitchen.

"You're finally home."

Mikey. Why is he here?

"Sorry I had plans today. Were you waiting long."

He shifted in his seat to look at you, patting the seat beside him for you to sit down.

"I just thought we could've done something today, I didn't know you had plans. Haruchiyo didn't warn me."

You sat down beside him sliding off your coat facing him.

"So what do you need, Mikey."

He slid a new file to you waiting for you to open in.

Taking it in your hands and taking out the contents reading everything carefully.

"We've found your mother"

Oh. I see..

"I thought you'd like some more, therapy."


"Would you do me the honor of painting for me again, y/n."

Painting. Her.


Why is she suddenly. She's back, after all this time, she's suddenly.

My memories of her are back now.

"Are you willing to accept."



No. No. Say no.

"I accept."

He stood up going towards the fridge taking out something to drink and two cups for the both of you.
Sitting back down pouring the drinks waiting for you to join him.

"After you do this job y/n. I'll be sure to award you greatly."

I don't need no award. I need to run again. I can't see her or go anywhere near her.

If I ever see you again, I'll make sure to give you the exact treatment your brothers gotten. For your carelessness, you let him die. You let your brother die. You killed your brother. Y/n. You need a punishment. But I'll give you a break got it. A head start. So start running.

Start running.

I have to start running.

"You don't have to do this job, if you're willing you can do another."

Another job, I don't have to see her again. I'll be. Safe. Right.

"What other job do you have in mind."

He waited a while before answering you, finishing his drink and looking down.

"You could live with me, and stay by my side all the time. That way you'll never have to see her again. I'll take care of her myself. And you'll be safe with me. I'll be your hero."

What. My hero?

"You'll always be safe, with me no one can touch you. No one could even dare to threaten you, you'll be. Safe."

Did he spike his own drink. Idiot.

He turned to look at you, grabbing your wrist and pulling himself closer to you.

"All those years you wished for someone to love and protect you, I can protect you. I just need you to agree to be mine. I'll love and protect you better than Haruchiyo ever could."

What, the hell. He knows about Sanzu?

__(Mikey pov.)__________________________

"I have more than he could ever offer you, I'll protect you, I promise. It won't be like all those other times. The scene at the store that time, it was an accident. Y/n you were supposed to go unharmed."

It's true, the one that almost sent y/n to their death that night was me. I confused them with their mother, and they could've died. They have always looked quite similar.

Their mother, is a traitor that got away. She was smart enough to run. Their biological father, disappeared off the face of the earth.

I took the liberty to dig into their past,
Y/n l/n. Born into a wealthy respected family, to one of our partnered organizations. Their mother was hiding important information from us, and their sister killed someone from our team. After we attempted to execute them for their incompetence, they ran off. Leaving their youngest behind to fend for themselves.

Later being picked off the street to live a hell they didn't sign up for.

I didn't even know the l/n's had another kid. What a small world.

"You're the one that wanted to kill me.?"

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