Precious (9)

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Standing at the door, was Ran. Quickly shutting the door behind him and sitting down on another couch not caring what you and Rindou were doing. Rindou continuing and kissing you again. Sliding his hand down your side pulling at your shirt slightly. This seemed pretty normal for them. Now you were shy because Ran was there, so you let Rindou do his thing. Closing your eyes enjoying the feeling of him on top of you kissing you, you can't help but remember a few things that had happened at the previous party. The feeling of their lips was rougher, yet their kiss was gentle. Rindou's lips were soft and his kiss was needier. Naturally, it felt so wrong.

Rindou layed on top of you, holding your hand. His body felt warm, and heavy..
The same feeling of that body came back.
Pushing him off and sliding back, you couldn't shake off that feeling of the blood pouring on you. Shaking and gripping your knees tightly, Rindou going to hold you. Ran rushing out to find Aki leaving his work behind shortly after seeing you pamic. Feeling the warmth, turning cold again and barely breathing. Rindou picks you up bridal style and rushes into the nearest bedroom. Laying you down in the bed trying to calm you down.

Aki and Ran rushing in, Sanzu following behind them both. Aki sitting you up and trying to ask you what was wrong, you gave her a single look and she knew what was going on.
"Put her in the shower now with luke warm water."
Rindou picked you up and ran into the bathroom setting you down and running the water. Sanzu grabbing towels and setting them aside while Aki got in with you. Ran shutting the doors making sure no one would know what was going on. Aki sitting with you in the water closing the door letting the steam fill the room, making it unable to see you both in the water. Pulling your shirt off and washing your back gently again, constantly reassuring you that everything was ok.

Ran, Rindou, and Sanzu waiting outside. Hearing Aki talk to you and see your silhouette being washed by her hands. Aki opening the door and holding a wet shirt out, "Can someone take this and put it to dry." Ran grabbing the shirt and taking it outside with him. Rindou waiting, too worried about what was happening, yet still not showing it. Sanzu looking at your figure through the glass and the fog, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it. Both of them stopping, looking up after hearing Aki say the word 'blood'.

Ran walked back in holding a new shirt that wasn't yours saying, "Hope you don't mind Haru, I forgot where the laundry is."
Sanzu tapping his cigarette removing the ash, "It's fine."
Aki walking out completely soaked grabbing a towel and walking back in shutting off the water. The fogged glass became clear, now easy for them to catch a glimpse of your bare skin before Aki wrapped a towel around you. Helping you stand and bring you out, Ran helped you sit down on the sink counter top. Aki dried your hair, not able to hear anything at all but your hair being ruffled by the towel. You starred at the floor, you felt cold. Everything was cold.


The first time I met Y/n, I thought that they didn't know anything about anything. They had a strange innocence in their face,they looked like a doll I had when I was younger. I named her precious. I took her with me everywhere, fed her bathed her, and took care of her more than I did myself. Since she was a doll, her skin was smooth and shiny, her hair was long and pretty. Her face was so delicate and innocent. So when I saw y/n, I couldn't see anything but a doll. Naturally, I thought they were just as taken care of. How stupid of me.


I went to talk to them, I wanted to know more about them and why the were working here at a place like this. Naturally I invited them out to a party with me, when they said yes I planned to stay by them the whole time and learn more. I didn't though, I ended up sleeping with someone and left them alone with two men. When I came back they were gone, and no one told me where they were, just that they were sleeping. I stayed there waiting. Hours. They never came back, I roamed around after everyone had left. Walking into Sanzu's guest room, seeing them both holding each other asleep. I felt, betrayed.

I went home, walking into the kitchen looking at old pictures of me and my family, and my doll. Drinking some wine and going into my room I couldn't help but wonder more, about where y/n came from. Drifting off to sleep dreaming about them.

Days have passed, we seemed to have gotten closer. I even passed out at their house. When I woke up I heard the shower running and found them sitting on the floor. When I saw blood running down the drain, I ran in. She wasn't moving, so I removed her clothes. When I thought I'd see flawless skin, her torso was covered with scars all over it. Her back looked like it was whipped over and over again. These were all old scars, that led from her stomach to her legs. Her skin felt cold, her eyes looked lifeless, her face still as doll like as ever. If only she was really a doll, I could've made sure none of these scars ever appeared on her body. Or protected her innocence the way her face did.

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