Replay (8)

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After that question about your paintings she asked what happened to all others. You didn't wanna say and eventually just told her you sold them or gave them to someone, but of course that's not what really happened. You were both now sitting in a car silently while she scrolled through social media and you starred out the window. Seeing all the apartments pass by, you notice an old empty plot land surrounded by barriers. Before getting any closer look the car speeds off to where the party was being held. That empty lot just vanished before you could think any more about it.

Getting out of the car with Aki and walking into the bright lit building, you notice many people wearing some expensive clothing. Smoking, drinking and talking about business or how their kids were. The walls were painted crimson red, plants all around the place and lights hung all over the ceiling. The floor was made of marble, the stair case seemed to be made of gold. Walking up it made you feel like it got dirty. Following Aki into another private room, which was quieter with less people again. Some were at a bar drinking, others sitting down talking about some deals and trades. Aki pulled you over to sit down at a table in the corner, pulled out her notebook and ordered two drinks for the both of you.

Not much had happened after you both have been sitting down drinking for an hour, casual stares you've gotten, men and women asking if you wanted to dance. However Aki would glance at them and they'd walk away, guess they couldn't mess with you, or she didn't trust them. You trusted Aki, and her judgement, after all she knows more than you about this job. She knows what they trade and what it does, you just applied because the pay was good and you needed money. Even after being around her and the brothers a lot, you never once asked about where all the money came from. It didn't concern you, and you never one to get into others business. Seems to be all except for Sanzu's, anytime you see him around you always wonder what he's doing or where he's going. You sometimes get a sudden to want to follow him and see for yourself.

Going lost into thought again, you don't feel someone sitting beside you and laying you down on their lap. Now laying your head in their lap you look up and see Ran looking down at you waving. Rindou sat down by your other side and placed your legs on his lap. Aki noticing but not caring she continued what she was doing. Ran talking to someone beside him while you starred at the ceiling. Rindou shifting in his seat, suddenly playing with your skin on his lap. Shifting over on your side, Ran placed his hand on your hand and played with your hair. Rindou moving closer to you, he took your hand and intertwined it with his. You felt relaxed, and sleepy. You see Rindou reach for your drink and smell it, he turns his head to you quickly as you close your eyes and fall asleep.

Waking up on the couch in another room. You grab onto your pillow in comfort, only for Rindou to let out a sound causing you to look at him. Quickly sitting up from his lap, you apologize for hurting him. He just stayed quiet and laid your head back down in his lap. Feeling warm again, you looked up at him with another blank expression, when on the inside you wanted to smile. Rindou looking down at you, he placed a hand on your cheek and drew circles with his finger. Your hands went up and held his as he did that. He grabbed your body and sat you down in his lap as he held you. Still half asleep you hid your face in his neck closing your eyes smelling his cologne.

While your eyes were close you felt a hand pull your chin and someone kiss you. That warm feeling grew, not caring who it was that kissing you, you kissed back. Pulling you over their lap now straddling them with their hands resting at your hips. One hand holding yours against their chest. Their lips kissing yours, slowly growing more restless and pulling at you. A wave washes over you as you place your hand around their neck choking them. Biting their lip and sliding in your tongue the second you got the chance. Their hand slid from your hips down your leg, now gripping your thigh. Pulling away from the kiss you look into his eyes, Rindou breathing heavily as your hand was wrapped around his neck. Moving your hand to undo the top buttons of his shirt you grip his shoulder moving closer to his neck. Grazing your lips across his skin, pulling it slightly with your teeth and lips. Before you make another move he pushes you down onto the couch.
As someone opens the door walking in.

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