Up and out (4)

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Opening your eyes, feeling warm covered in silk bed sheets. You sit up quickly, immediately feeling how sore your body was. Barely even able to move you grab the clock beside you checking the time.
6:17 a.m.
Standing up slowly, legs quivering and covered in bruises, you move around the room finding your clothes. Grabbing them off the floor beside the couch and going into the bathroom to shower. Looking into a mirror the size of the entire wall, noticing the burns, bite marks and hickeys on your skin. Remembering what happened the night before sent you to your knees. How could you have let someone touch you in that way, why would anyone wanna touch you at all. You didn't have any strength to stand up. Crawling into the shower and turning on the hot water, you sat there as the warmth took over. The burns and bites aching, your hickeys feeling warm. Sitting there alone.

Walking out after your shower now dressed, you call for a cab and go home to get ready for work.

Paying the driver and walking home, opening the door you throw your things on your bed and grab a pair of clean work clothes. You grab your things again and leave. Taking the same route, walking to your building. You wore something that covered you more, making sure that no one saw any of the marks someone had left on you. Lost in thought again, thinking of all the things you did together. How warm he was and how carefully he touched your body.
Quickly going back to the real world as you crash into someone at the door again.
"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going."
Bowing to whoever it was and feeling a pat on your head you look up.
What the fuck.

"Good morning Doll! Turns out work was cancelled today, as we've had some problems with the executives."
Grabbing my arm and pulling me along with him.
"Oh uh I see. So where are you taking me?"
He looks forward and answers, "Breakfast with me."
Uh ok? Well you were hungry and he didn't seem too bad so. You let it happen.

He opens the door for you, and what the hell, you're at a mansion again.
Ushering you inside and leading you into a dining room, he sits you down and joins you.
"Um Ran? Where are we exactly?"
He turns to look at you, "We're at another executives house for breakfast, And two more you haven't met will be here."
Yeah no you didn't feel like being fired for messing up with the executives.
Sitting up straight and trying to prepare yourself mentally. Fiddling with the table cloth and with your shirt, you hear the door slam open and walking in were two males. One had Black hair and a scar on his face, the other had long white hair that was buzzed on the side. Behind them a pink haired man, oh no.

He stopped at the door when he saw you, who knows why. You found it weird when he wouldn't stop staring at you. Was it the elevator incident? Or something else?
Fucking hell what it is.
Ran looks at you, then at Sanzu trying to put the pieces together. Coming to a realization he whispers into your ear. "Hey uh Y/n, did you sleep with anyone last night?"
Freezing in your seat, you look at him and nod slowly too embarrassed to admit it.
"What who?"
Wait. You can't remember. Oh fucking hell you can't remember. Uh it was a dark room, he was smoking, and uhh fuck. You can't remember who it was.
Pulling Ran closer and whispering into his ear, "Fucking hell Ran I can't even remember."
Standing up and slamming the table he yells, "What!?"

Pulling him back down to his seat, everyone looks at you both weirded out but go back to what they were doing. Sanzu on the other hand kept staring at you, a hint of jealousy grew on his face as he kept watching you be all buddy buddy with Ran.

The door opened again and walked in Rindou. Sitting beside you opposite from Ran, Sanzu had enough and kicked the chair causing it to fall and silence the room. All eyes on him, he wore a blank expression on his face crossing his arms. A maid quickly picking up the chair and bowing, "I'm sorry sir the food will be right out." She ran into the kitchen to hurry the chefs.
"The hells your deal Haru? We're all hungry but calm your ass." Said the white haired man.
Sanzu reaching for a bottle of pills and taking some he replies, "Shut it Kokonui, the food is the least of my damn problems right now."

Ran looked at you, then at Sanzu again. Breaking out in laughter after realizing what was going on then texting Rindou. Rindou slamming the table now laughing as well. Man you were confused, and while all that happened you started to have another migraine.

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