Jealous (5)

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After that horrible breakfast with a couple executives and a surprise appearance from aki, you left to the bathroom to take your medication. Grabbing 2 pills for migraines and another for energy then taking them with a cup of water. At the door was standing Aki, arms crossed looking at you.
"I didn't take you for someone that did drugs y/n."
"No no these are for my migraines don't worry." You reassured her while flailing your hands infront of you.
She smiled and put her arm around you, "Jeez and here I thought you might have met Sanzu."
Remembering that night at the party when you practically threw yourself at him and called his scars pretty. Dear god you almost got another migraine.
"Uh y/n you're staring into space again."
Looking back at her and apologizing you both make your way back out to the dining room.

The two strangers from earlier had left. Leaving Ran, Rin, Aki, and Sanzu.
Aki went back to her seat and got a notebook ready along with a pen. Sanzu lit a cigarette, which the aroma that filled to room after felt quite familiar to you. Ran giving Aki some things to write down and Rindou sitting back staring at Ran.
Even if it was a day off, they were still working. So you grabbed your work and continued where you have left off.
Rindou hearing the papers shuffling through your hands put his attention to you, watching your every move and how fast you did your work. His eyes moved from your hands,up your arms, to your face. Leaning his head in his hand while staring at you, his mind cleared, and he felt some sort of strange peace. You were someone he thought of as, special. Untouched by anything bad, a saint? No a doll. He could now see, that you were exactly like a doll. Your skin looked nearly perfect, your facial structure was perfect. From top to bottom, he looked in awe admiring how doll like and unreal you looked.

Realizing how he's been looking at you the whole time he turned his head to Sanzu, who has been doing his own work while smoking. He felt his heart grow heavy, and sting. Knowing that he was able to see every inch of your body, and touch you in that way. Made him, jealous.
Looking back at you, meeting with your eyes and not breaking eye contact. You gave him a quick warm smile that he swore could've made his heart stop.
It felt strange to him, running roppongi for so long and constantly being surrounded by beautiful women. Never once though, has he had them smile at him so warmly without wanting something from him. Could he even trust that smile, could he even trust that what he was feeling was love?

Looking at him, was sanzu. Glancing up everyone once in a while, wondering why Rindou kept staring at you. He was annoyed, very annoyed. He had no idea what was going through Rindou's head, but no matter what it was he didn't like it. Looking at you doing your work then smiling at Rindou nearly made him flip the table. Have they really forgotten about what happened last night. No they couldn't have. What if they have. He wouldn't be entiled to you if you couldn't remember. Why did he care anyway, it was a one time thing. Still he couldn't stop gripping his pen tightly and looking at you. Oh sweet y/n, you're just trying to do your damn job and men just can't keep it in their pants.

Finishing your work early and packing up, you look up from the table and look around at everyone. Rindou who fell asleep beside you, wakes up and looks around as well. He yawns and sits back in his chair again, so you just sit and wait for something to happen. Nearly drifting into your own thoughts again you feel a tap on your shoulder. Rindou signaling you to come closer you do as he says and whispers into your ear, "We're gonna have another party in 2 days, wanna join me?"
You nod your head yes, and he internally threw his fist up in excitement. Ran and Aki finish working, and sit back now resting. Sanzu put his things away after receiving a text, and quickly ran out to leave.
"Eh it was probably Mikey, ya know Sanzu's king or something."
Aki laughing slightly and Rindou unamused as always. You get curious and ask, "Who's Mikey?"
Everyone turns to look at you, Aki puts her head on the table and looks at you saying, "He's our president, He runs everything and everyone, c'mon y/n I thought you already met him."
Did I?
She continues, "I mean you already bumped into him twice."
Oh no. That was him?
"The man with short silver hair?"
Ran looks at you surprised you have met him. Rindou casually wondering how you haven't died by now.
Aki just praising god for now letting you not die so young.
"Uh why are you all so, gloomy?"
"We're so glad you're still alive." Aki threw herself on you nearly crying over dramatically.
Man is this Mikey guy really that bad?
Well, he pays well soo. How bad can he really be?

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