Turning (14)

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Tilting your head to the side, sighing.

And what do I get in return?

Thinking for a moment while playing with your hair, coming to a conclusion.

You get to do whatever else you want, as long as its with me.

More thoughts rushed into your mind, thinking about all the possible things you could do. He was at your disposal, his body all at your disposal, anything you wanted to do.
A smirk forming your lips, as he started growing anxious.

Untie me.

Reaching for the knots asking,

Do we have a deal then?

Nodding your head slipping out of the ropes, sitting on the table and wrapping his belt around his neck.
Looking up at you anxious, yet ready to take on anything you did to him.
Sliding your hands around his waist turning him, grabbing the ropes used on you to restrain his hands.

A bedroom would've have been easier, but this is more fun

Turning his head back to look at you, pressing his lips together and swallowing hard.
Pushing him onto the couch, removing his pants while looking directly into his eyes. Sitting back up on the table whilst holding onto the belt, looking down at him smiling.

You look even prettier now, looking so helpless

Watching him clench his jaw as he looked at you, blush rosing his cheeks.
Moving over to his lap sitting directly over his crotch, one hand resting on his shoulder.
The contact made between you two drove him crazy as he wasn't able to do anything. Attempting the move his hips, you pulled harder on the belt gaining a whine from him.

I didn't you were that horny already, you want me to touch you that bad?

The expression on his face changing, from smug to pleading. Loving how he looked, red tinted cheeks breathing heavily, you barely started and he already looked like a mess. Swaying your hips a bit causing him to whine again.

If you're gonna fuck me at least do it right

Your face going expressionless again as you looked at him.

If you really want me to fuck you be patient or start begging.


God they looked so perfect in that light, I wanted to be the one roaming their body. The way she looked down at me, pulled on my belt. She sat on the table in front of me with her legs crossed, with a dead expression on her face. God I want her so bad..I need her. I need her badly I could just die. Every cell in my body yearns for her. No matter how much I want her I can't truly let her know, they might think of me as repulsive. Obsessed even. Well maybe, just maybe I am obsessed, would that really be so bad. To want someone so much you don't know what to do with yourself. Fuck. Fuck. Just seeing her in front of me, is enough to make me so high.

Please..please..use me..
Bend me to your every will..

Subconsciously leaning into her, resting on her things wanting to feel her. She sat back shifting her position, now with her legs open.
The expression on my face growing helpless, lustful. Just a little closer..and I can touch her..
Please just let me touch you..


He leaned into you, resting on your thigh. Shifting and opening your legs in front of him causing him to squirm more. Attempting to move closer, you place your hand under his chin making him look into your eyes.

Why did you leave me at the hospital..

His eyes widened. Trying the back away. Pulling him right at the collar, dead pan eyes looking into his. His expression changing again, looking as dead as you.

I shouldn't ever see you again...

You let go of the belt. Disappointment forming on your face, getting colder, and colder.
You both sat there in silence again for the next few minutes. Just looking at each other, trying to find something to say. Standing up to grab your things, your chest heavy and throat dry.

I shouldn't see you anymore. Because the more I see you, the more I can't control the thoughts I have about you. The jealousy I feel.

Continuing to dress yourself, looking at him before walking out.

I shouldn't see you anymore either then. If I really make it that hard for you. If Im really no good for you. You aren't for me either.

Leaving him there, making your way to aki. Forcing a smile on the coldest expression you have ever worn. Hiding the plain fact that, it really hurt you, almost enough to make you collapse.


She left me. No. She left me. She can't leave me. She can't. Doesn't she understand how bad I need her.. I need her. I want her. They're mine. I'll make her come back, they have to. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Pills. I need. My pills..I need..my..I need my..y/n..

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