"Please forgive me" (20)

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huh. Aki?. Why are you. Sleeping.
Wake up it's late already.


"Wake up l/n, we're almost there."
Oh right I fell asleep. What was I dreaming about just now. I feel weird

Kakucho staring at the road driving while Kokonui sat beside you working out some new paychecks. You sat there in the back seat still wearing what you wore the previous night with a blazer Kakucho let you borrow.

It was still dark out and the sun wouldn't rise for a while. Back in the old neighborhood you used to live in when you were younger. It was all worn down and trashed just how you left it.

Kakucho stopped the car somewhere hidden and passed a gun to you unlocking the doors. Neither Kakucho or Kokonui moved and figured from here on out you were on your own.


Walking up the steps and towards that brown painted door. You stood infront of it regretting everything you've done up until now.

You let out a sigh and with no time to waste you open the door knowing he never liked locking them in the first place. Straight into his room where he sat there staring at nothing.

The entire apartment was a mess, mold and water damage was everywhere, paint was peeling off the wall and floors had trash all over them. The kitchen infested by rodents and pest.

The smell was as revolting as ever, the moment you walked in you swore you could've thrown up.

Back to your target however you stood behind him and mindlessly pointed the gun at him. About to pull the trigger and get it all over with.



"You're finally home. I've missed you. So much. My daughter."

Swallowing the saliva in your throat regaining your composer, refusing to say anything to him at all, let alone even look at him.

"It's alright you don't have to talk. Just hear me out okay?"

You heart stopped beating and breathing stopped for a second afraid of what he would say to you after all these years. An apology. Doubt it. Death threat. More likely.

"It's..not my fault.."

That's it. More bullshit. Slipping out of his mouth.

"I didn't want to hurt you all these years. And your brother-" tears started pouring down his face. Pathetic.

"Your brother. Your mother, she made me do it. She- she used me and you y/n!"

He stood up pulling onto the blazer you wore crying looking like he was begging for you to spare him. As if he deserved it.

"We're both her victims y/n! I've always loved you! More than anything I was grateful to find you in that park y/n I really love you my daughter-"

You shot him once. Out of anger. Impulsion? You thought your head would be spinning and that you'd be scared. But nothing.

He screamed falling to the floor now at your feet pulling them still begging.

Now who's the one begging to stop being put trough all that pain.

"Your mother is the one the framed your brother. And you for his death.."

Shut up.

"Please y/n...forgive."

Shut up.


You walked out with a small bag of items, wiping blood your legs off with a towel.

Down the stairs and to the car sitting down again beside Kokonui.

"The mission is complete."


Days later..

You sat down infront of "Mikey" sharing a meal with him as he called for you.
More than half the money was transfered into a new account made for you.

Rindou no where to be seen since your date a few nights ago.

Ran was quieter and Kokonui started to hang around you more often.

Aki was too bust to even walk past you now. You woke up and she was gone, you went to sleep and she wasn't home.

Sanzu, too quiet. Every now and then he stared at you and you caught him following you around without saying a word at all.

That night, you wish that never happened. You wish you've never met him under these circumstances.

If only he wasn't some psychotic gang member and you weren't someone desperate for love.
This could've worked out.
Even in your head you catch yourself making up little scenarios in which you too are in a happy relationship together.

Sadly that's not reality, and it could never be.

But every now and then, both of you wish things could be different.

__(Aki's pov.)____________________________

For y/n's sake, Mikey had me search for her mom. He says it's for "therapy" which is a load of bull. If he knew anything about therapy he wouldn't be caught up in this mess. If only Emma were still..

Now's not the time to think about the past. Unless it's Y/n's.

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