First mission (19)

600 24 16

Sitting in a nice outfit, hair fixed, new jewelry and a gun.
Waiting for your date, Rindou Haitani, to knock on the door and escort you to his car.
Aki in her office working, a little too busy to send you off as she usually does.

Hearing the door bell ring, you stand up and open the door greeting him. Kissing your hand and leading you to the car, opening the door, and closing it for you.

A silent drive to your next destination, as you stare out the window admiring the city lights.


Sitting in a private room, table for two.
Food spread across the table and more.

You sat down and both ate silently, one of you occasionally talking about how work was going.

After some time you both left and he took you to a club.
His arm remained around your waist the whole time, he drank and offered you drinks as well.

"Hey Y/n you don't look like you're having much fun, is something wrong?"

He noticed after a while that Sanzu was there, across the bar, talking to another girl.
You noticed it too.

"Hey let's get out of here Ok? We'll go somewhere else"

You nod as he sets down the glass, ushering you back out the doors. Now both of you on your way home.

___(Sanzu. Pov.)_________________________

I noticed them the moment they walked in. The clothes they wore fit them perfectly, the hair was perfect, they lighting was perfect. They were just perfect, until he had to be there with them with his arm wrapped tightly around their waste.

Drinking and talking to each other the whole time, he looked at them the whole time, not looking away for a second.

He was touching them, laughing occasionally, kissing their hand.
And they let him. That should've been me.

What was this, a date? Are they dating? For how long?

I've watched them both for hours now, he's taking them outside.
Great now Im stuck with this random drunk woman trying to hop on my dick..


You were standing outside now waiting for Rindou to get the car, checking your phone looking through any text with Aki. She finished work and had to attend a short "meeting".

Recently with finally learning more about everyone, you now know that Aki's in a special group that kills any business partners threatening Bonten.

The parties, the people she hooked up with at times, the meetings, all times she probably killed someone.

Looking at the time.

Almost midnight, wonder where Rindou is.

The last thing you can remember now though, was a familiar smell and being dragged into another car.


"Hey wake up, l/n"

"L/n wake up damn it."

Being forced to sit up and the mask over your head being pulled off.





And Manjiro

Sitting down looking at you.

"What the hell is going on here."
You managed to let out. As exhausted as you were, you felt really drained.

"My apologies, welcome to your first Bonten meeting."

The short silver haired man, signaling Sanzu to untie you and sit you down in a chair.

"You could've just called me here, instead of dragging me away in a car."

"Like I said, I apologize now look at this"

Sliding a file to you, opening it and waiting for your reaction.

A picture of your adoptive father, along with all the information there is to know about him.

"What's this for Manjiro."

Everyone remained silent waiting for their boss's response.

"He was released a few days ago, we found out that he was responsible for some trouble we had a few years ago. And I thought, you'd also need something therapeutic."

He's fucking crazy
They're all fucking crazy as shit.

"And what the hell do you expect me to-"

"Be respectful to our leader, don't speak to him that way and watch your tongue."


Pointing a gun at you, right at your head. Prick.

"That's enough,"

Sanzu putting his gun down waiting patiently once again.

"You have a mission now, I'd like for you to send him off for me."

Yeah of course. Because killing your father is sooo easy.
But still...

"How much would I be paid for this job, I've never killed a person before, this sounds highly unprofessional of you, Manjiro."

Everyone was worried about their leaders next words, most people that spoke to him this way would usually get their brains blown across the floor by Haruchiyo for questioning him.

He sighed and leaned his head on the table looking as tired as ever.

"I will transfer half of all the money he owes us straight into your account the second his pulse stops."

All the money he owes. How much is that exactly. What did he do, what was he involved in.

Kokonui raised his hand, and proceeded to speak.

"May I accompany them sir, to take care of the rest of our funds."

"Yeah, and take Kakucho too."

All of them looked at you, all except for Sanzu. Well whatever.

"I accept this job then."

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