Conditions (13) //contains smut//

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He held you so tightly, so desperately. As you did the same, burying your face in the crook of his neck, memorizing his scent. Rubbing your back gently, playing with your hair, something felt familiar. The way his hands moved around your body, touching it so delicately. Slowly pulling you closer and closer, till there was no more space left between you both at all. You felt warm, calm, but excited. Sitting on his lap, while he bounced his leg up and down, feeling friction build up between your legs. Growing needier for more, you straddle his leg as he bounces it, feeling yourself get hotter and wetter by the second. You hide your face in his neck, while you hold onto him tightly.

Sliding his hand down rubbing your inner thigh, placing his other hand at your hips. Your face now flushed red, gripping tight enough to hear him let out a low groan. The sound of his voice echoing in your ears, digging your nails into his shoulders. Feeling his grip on your hips grow tighter, grabbing one of your hands and kissing it gently saying, "Cut the crap and ride my thighs. I know you want to."
Your face flushing red again, letting slow hot breaths hit his neck again and again. Taking his hands off you for a brief second and taking off his belt, putting it around your neck and tightening it. His other hand taking off his tie and using it to restrain your hands behind your back. Looking you up and down slowly enjoying the view right in front of him, feeling his dick twitch a little in his pants.
Your back hurt from your hands tied behind you, and you couldn't breath steadily because of the belt around your neck. Admiring his face and body in front of you, no longer able to control your horny self, your hips begin to move. The electrifying sensation surged through your entire body, causing your legs to tremble and shake. Moving slowly but surely, looking down at his leg and the position your legs are in, rubbing up against his leg. Looking down with a flushed face, you feel a pull from the belt around your neck, forcing you to look right at him. His grin growing wider and pupils dilating the moment he looked at your face. Moving faster and faster almost causing you to drool from the amount of pleasure you felt. Undoing his pants and pulling them down, sliding his hand into his boxers touching himself to you. Sliding up closer trying to feel him against you, moving your hips more desperately than before. Sliding his boxers down revealing his long hard length, cum already dripping from the tip. The sight enough for you to come in your pants, he notices and lays you on the table. Undoing your shirt and his own, pulling the belt with one hand, sliding off your pants and underwear with the other. Gripping your hips once again, he positions himself carefully, leaning down to your ear whispering, "are you ready? My love."
Before you being able to answer, he rammed himself inside you, pulling the belt as you let out a scream. Once again admiring your pain filled complexion, he began thrusting swiftly.
ngh~ ah sanzu~...
Each sound you let out, causing him to go harder. Pounding inside you over and over again, pulling the belt restricting you from breathing normally. Feeling light headed, while filled with immense pleasure at the same time sent your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
His thrust getting sloppier, nothing but clapping and your moans filling the room.
Pulling the belt the tightest he has yet, arching your back wrapping your legs around his waist. Allowing that to go deeper inside you, he threw your legs over his shoulders, continuing to go deep in you.
Fuck..y/n...Im gonna..ahh..
Thrusting quickly and hard the last few times, before coming inside you, and pulling out after.

Sitting up slowly expecting it to be over, he picks you up pinning you up against the wall ramming into you once again.
Ahh! Sanzu~ ahh..please~
Breathing heavily into your ear, biting and licking it, getting you more wet.
Going harder and harder with each thrust, throwing his hands against the wall as you're left to hold onto him yourself.
Aa..please..make it hurt..
Stopping briefly and looking at you surprised. Smirking.
Shh. Make sure not to scream too loud.

laying you on the couch, grabbing the ropes used to hold the curtains. Tying your body, restraining you in every which way. Using his tie from earlier to blind fold you again. Removing the belt around your neck, toying with it while he decides on what to do.
I have a few conditions.
Nodding your head listening to what he had to say.
Don't let no one else touch you but me.

Authors note:

Hello everyone who actually reads this. Im sorry I don't update very often Im usually working/in school or painting. I will try my best to make more time to write and update if you'd like. Thank you.

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