Getting Playful (7)

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After that day off, you told Aki what happened but kept it from Rindou. After that she said he might've protected you from being shot instead. You brushed that off but you found yourself at her house with all your things. From co-workers, to friends, to roommates and security team. Yeah you had no idea what was going on but you didn't really care, so you just let things happen. Driving to work with Aki helped you realized a lot of things too, don't anger her, her road rage is terrifying. Two, she can't even drive that well.

Walking into your new office, which is with Aki. You both sit down and quickly get to work. Guessing Aki put in some good work for you, you were also given a raise. Thank heavens for Aki.
Having a pretty normal day at work you now had to go print out some papers. Which meant going down to basement printers. Grabbing your papers and walking into the elevator someone runs in behind you. Suddenly having your eyes covered and pushed against the elevator walls, they push their lips onto yours. Their body pressing up against yours, one hand overing your eyes, and the other playing with your neck. They deepened the kiss, pulling your lips gently, and moving slowly enjoying every moment. Just as you were going to throw their hand off, the elevator came to a stop and they ran out before you could see who it was.

The doors closed, and you were still standing against the wall. Too stunned to speak. Replaying the feeling of their lips on yours in your mind. How warm their body felt, and how carefully they kissed you. Once again, you were left. Confused as hell.
Coming to a stop once again, the doors opened and walked in Sanzu. He stood beside you, almost ignoring your entire existence. You looked straight ahead ignoring him as well. Until he stood infront of you and grazed his fingers by your lips where his scars would be. Breathing heavily as he got closer, he breathed into your ear and said, "You're so fucking pretty."
Blood shot straight to your face remembering you've done the same thing to him at the party. He pulled away from you and acted like nothing happened and said before getting out, "Now we're even, but why do you smell like Rin."


You felt like a zombie, just printing paper after paper. What the hell just happened. Should you stop taking the elevator? Nah. Now having printed 250 pages of something you didn't bother reading into much, you went back to your office. Yeah, you took the stairs.
Walking in you see Aki sitting back in her chair half asleep. You walk towards her and instinctively poke her cheek, causing her to sit up straight and scream "COLD". You weren't gonna bother anymore, you've now accepted that, Aki's just kinda weird. Not like it bothered you, you were also pretty weird when the time came. I mean, you bit people as a defense mechanism in the 2nd grade.

Aki scolding you for scaring her, then hugging you and asking if you wanted to go eat after work. Of course, you said yes.
"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, can we get a puppy?"
"What?" you replied.
"Like, can we get a dog? At the house?"
She asked as she clinged onto your arm.
"I mean it is your house so."
Looking forward in realization she says, "Oh- Oh yeahhh."
You smile and continue walking towards your destination.
Once you get there you both eat and talk about whatever it is that people talk about while eating.

Driving home half asleep, you both walk in tired and take naps.
Hours later pass, and aki jumps on you, waking you to get ready for the party you forgot about. Grabbing a new outfit, this party was going to be more formal. Aki helped you get ready, and you helped her curl her hair since she couldn't see the back. Finishing early you both sit down and play with a cat Aki found in the street earlier. A small gray cat with orange eyes, who was just groomed, and given an expensive luxury home out of nowhere. "Lucky cat." You said. She jumped onto your lap as you pet her. Aki looking at your hands studying them. Then she sits up and ask you, "Y/n, do you play any instruments?"
Petting the new kitten, "No, but I used to paint."
Looking at surprised she moved closer to you asking, "What type of things did you paint?"
Not too sure how to answer that question, you took out your phone and instead showed all your old paintings. Looking at each of them carefully she stopped at one, and wouldn't stop studying it.
"She has scars all over her body, and everything is red."
Oh that painting.
"Yeah, it was an old painting I didn't like." You sighed.
She looked at you and wondered, "What did you do with it?"
"I burned it."

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