Drugs (10)

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(Sanzu. Pov.)
When I caught a glimpse of their skin again, I felt jealous. Akane was in there washing them, Rindou stayed by their side the whole time. And Ran was being helpful. What did I do? I came to watch and make sure no one would find out what happened. I know what happened, why they were going through this. I know what happened that night at the convenience store. I was there, I was told to set a trap for a target. I didn't expect it to be them. As if my trap knew, they pushed her down and protected them. They fell, as she laid there not moving, maybe lifeless now. My work there was done, I walked away. Letting go of all hope that they were still somehow alive.

When I got home, my money was delivered. I went into my bathroom sliding to the floor. Opening a bag throwing some pills into my mouth. Hopefully, I can forget that I ever knew them, then I wouldn't feel this guilty. It works every time.


I heard something happened, I followed Akane and Ran. I saw them, sitting down shaking, barely breathing. They looked delicate and on the verge of breaking. It's my fault, that they were experiencing this. I knew what ptsd was like. They took them into my bathroom, Akane with them helping. Before I went in I grabbed my pills and took them, hoping all the guilt would go away. Hoping I'd just get rid of everything I felt and replace it with these drugs that ran in my system.
I swear, I didn't know it was them. I swear.


I ended the party early, I kicked everyone out. Then we took them to the hospital. Y/n, that was their name was it. My first impression of them, they were quiet, which annoyed me. They kept staring at my scars, I thought it was because it disturbed them. I planned to never see or talk to them. Then there I was holding them, doing things I've mostly been disgusted by. I never felt the need to be touched like that, or touch someone so carefully either. After all my only purpose is to serve Mikey, I'd do anything he ask me to.

They weren't scared, they were calm. Everytime I hurt them slightly or burned them, they accepted it and smiled. It was sick. They were sick. And I loved it. Every second.


They were sitting in that bed, doctors constantly running in and out. They refused to change into their hospital gown. Must be because of the scars on them, when I first saw them I already knew exactly what had happened. They sat there looking down, Akane stayed and so did I. Ran and Rindou waited outside, probably catching up on work. Rindou wanted to stay with them, maybe he likes them. In more than just a friendly, or sexual way. I didn't like that, it felt wrong. I never bothered with women, never had the need to. Ran and Rindou however have tons of experience with that. I don't, not like it even matters now.

Long ago, I got smacked around by them in a fight. That was terrible, because of that though we became allies now. I don't know if I can say friends, do friends go out to kill people and do drugs together? We did do that a lot, I accompanied them to places I usually wouldn't go. They were annoying, I know Ran found me as equally annoying. Whenever I took a high dosage I pretty much went crazy anywhere I went. It felt great, I didn't have to contain myself, or worry about anything at all. But now, I can't remember how much of this started. So I don't talk about it.

I'm worrying too much, I'll make sure to take some more soon. I'll also leave something for them, after tonight. I won't see them again.


You sat there staring at the floor, Aki sitting beside you, and Sanzu in the corner dozing off. They always kept hospitals cold, the air smelled sick, and nothing but the monitor and doctors walking the halls could be heard. Sitting there wearing an oversized button shirt, pants, and messy hair. Aki fell asleep not much time later. Sitting back, fiddling your thumbs and staring at the wall. You became restless. Standing up and wanting to walk outside you feel someone pull your arm. Leading you back to the bed and sitting you down. Sanzu looking at you, his hands resting at your shoulder's. He's taken off the mask after the doctors left. You could see his face in good lighting now. He was, beautiful in every which way. His eyes, his nose, scars, his lips.

Both of you just stayed like that in silence. Looking at each other, studying each other closely. His hands held onto you as if it would be the last. As he moved closer, you grabbed his hands and held them.No longer surprised, when he kissed you, soft lips, rough motion. It felt sad, yet happy. Tasting his lips once again, felt special. It wasn't lust, or in the heat of the moment. You were sure, this kiss meant something. But before you could say anything after that. He walked out of the door, not looking back once.

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