Ch 6 Dating?

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Just like he said he would, Lucas walked me to the classroom, but I didn't expect all the stars and strange mystified looks we received along the way. I should have expected it with how famous Lucas is but I didn't, he on the other hand didn't seem bothered at all. Between the awkward stares and Lucas sitting beside me, idly playing with my hair, made it quite difficult to focus on the class and Professor Bellamy didn't seem at all pleased by everyone's distraction.

Halfway through the class I felt Lucas' hand suddenly stop moving in my hair, I looked over at him curiously only to find him with his head turned away, staring at the wall with his mouth pursed into a thin hard line and a disgruntled expression on his face. I wanted to ask him what was wrong but didn't want to take the chance on interrupting the class any further, so I decided to wait until the class ended.

I was taken by surprise as Lucas released a loud annoyed sigh, once again gaining the entire classes attention and causing Professor Bellamy to look at him with a harsh glare. But everyone, including the Professor, quickly turned away as Lucas took a quick look around the room with an even more intimidating glare, before his eyes landed on me and immediately softened.

"I have to go, I forgot there's... something important I have to do." He explained with an almost sad expression. "But I'll pick you up from your next class, for lunch."

"But what about..." I began.

"No buts Alexandra." He interrupted in a tone that told me not to argue, so I nodded and a small smile graced his lips as he stroked his fingers down my cheek and gently cupped my chin. His eyes locked onto my lips and I thought he was going to kiss me, but he brushed his thumb across my bottom lip. "I'll see you in a few hours." Lucas stated before he quickly got up and walked out of the room, leaving me feeling breathless and strangely disappointed.

Thankfully Professor Bellamy resumed his lecture, saving me from the curious gazes of my classmates. Once the class was over I thought I'd be bombarded with questions, but instead and unlike yesterday, everyone remained silently in their seats watching me with strange expressions on their faces, like they were waiting to see what I was going to do. Feeling uncomfortable I put my books away quickly and walked out of the classroom, but as soon as the door closed behind me I heard a lot of murmuring from inside the room. I couldn't understand what was being said but I could only guess it was about me and Lucas.

As I walked down the halls to my second class I felt like a spectacle, everyone moved against the walls creating a path for me. That might be a slight exaggeration, not exactly everyone moved and stared but it sure felt that way.

"Alex!" I heard Vicky yell as she ran down the hall toward me. "Why don't you ever answer your phone?" She asked as she made it to me and grabbed my shoulders panting like she just ran a marathon.

"Sorry I turn it off while I'm in class and I forgot to check it." I tried to explain as Vicky looked around shooting dagger like glares at all the people staring at us.

"Come with me." She said grabbing my hand and practically drug me down the hallway to the women's bathroom. Once she kicked everyone out she locked the door, but I don't remember their being a lock on that door...

"Is it true, were you with Lucas this morning?" Vicky asked impatiently leaning in to close with her hands on her hips.

"Umm... Yes." I answered honestly and she reeled back with an exaggerated gasp.

"Well that explains a lot..." Vicky said thoughtfully before she refocused on me with a disappointed look on her face. "But you could have told me, you didn't have to lie, I thought we were friends."

"Wow wait a minute, when exactly did I lie?" I asked confused.

"Your dreamy tall dark and handsome, blue eyed, Night. I mean you could have just said it was Lucas."

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