Ch 24 Bonds

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"I don't know if you'll be able to link with the rest of the pack or not when you become Luna." Arthur said drawing us back to the conversation.

"But why can I mind link with Lucas and Tata?" I asked.

"I think it's because of the bonds you share with them."

"Will I not get a bond with the pack once I become Luna?" I couldn't help but ask, not really understanding how everything works yet.

"Maybe... I really can't say how it will work for you, Alex. You're a mystery and you always seem to exceed expectations." Arthur said with a chuckle, it felt like he was praising me, though I wasn't really sure but it made a bashful feeling well up inside me and I couldn't help smiling.

"So what happened in your meeting? I mean is everything alright now between you two?" I asked looking between Tomas and Arthur who shared a look before turning to me.

"Yes everything's fine." Tomas said with a smile, but I could tell he was hiding something.

"Well that's good. Umm... So are you going to join their pack now or what?" I asked and noticed Tomas' smile waver.

"No, little tiger, I can't."

"What do you mean you can't?" I pushed feeling a little apprehensive about his tone and the unsettled look on his face, does Arthur or Lucas not want him in the pack?

"He can't because he already swore loyalty to you, Alex." Arthur said taking a business like tone.

"But we know why he feels loyalty to me, it's because we're family, so I don't understand why it matters. Aren't family supposed to be loyal to each other?" I asked, begining to feel offended.

"Yes, but he can't swear loyalty to me or this pack with the way he swore loyalty to you." Arthur stated.

"What? What do you mean... I don't understand." Surprise filling my voice.

"Swearing under the eyes of the Goddess is a very serious commitment and can't be overwritten easily. Maybe when you become Luna you can accept him into the pack, but I really don't even know if that'll be possible."

"I still don't understand, can't he be loyal to more than one person?"

"Tiger, the loyalty oath I swore to you doesn't work that way... It was something I red a very long time ago. It's a guardian oath that werewolf's don't use anymore because of the dangers it possesses." Tomas explained.

"It's dangerous... How? Why?" I could feel the anxiety building up inside me.

"It's not dangerous for you, tiger, it's dangerous for me." Tomas said giving me a sad smile. "But I trust you, your my family and I would do anything for you even without the oath."

"But how is it dangerous? What will it do to you?" I asked and he frowned like he really didn't want to tell me.

"If I ever break or betray the oath I made it will cause serious physical pain and could kill me. That's why only Alpha's say under the Moon Goddess eye or let the Moon Goddess bare witness and even then they only say it for really special occasions, like an Alpha or Luna ceremony, to bless the occasion and grant power."

"How do we take the oath off you? Can I release you from it or something?" I asked frantically, but Tomas shook his head.

"Not that I know of." Tomas said sadly.

"But... But..." I stuttered

"It's alright tiger, I would always choose to be loyal to you anyway, you're my family." Tomas explained as a small smile stretched across his lips and I sighed giving him a sad look, but Tomas continued. "Also I'm not sure but I think it might have also contributed to you being able to mind link."

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