Ch 29 Sam

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When the time came neither of us was ready to part from each other, I knew just like me, Lucas was in no rush to get back, even though he was already running a little late in meeting with his father and aunty Gwen. After reaching the treeline where he left his clothes, I leaned against a tree trunk, watching him with hooded eyes as he slowly got dressed, my body already missing the warmth of his pressed against me.

Once his black shirt blocked my view of his sculpted abs, my eyes trailed up his perfect face until they locked with his. Lucas growled seductively, low in his throat as he stalked closer, till his massive figure loomed over me, trapping me against the tree in the cage of his arms. He leaned down pressing our foreheads together, while my hands stroked up the soft material of his shirt that stretched mercilessly against his pecks.

"I don't want to leave you." Lucas whispered in a low gruff tone, I could see the vulnerability shining in his crystal blue eyes.

"I don't want you to go either." I replied softly, as my hands smoothed up his broad shoulders, around his thick neck and tangled in his silky hair. "But I know that you'll come back to me. I have faith in you. Your my Alpha." Lucas chuckled lightly and a small smile stretched across his lips.

"I'll always come back to you, my little Luna. My Alexandra... I love you." Before I could respond his lips pressed to mine, not passionate and fiery, but soft and sensual, like we were both trying to convey our undying love for each other, before he quickly pulled away and sprinted toward the side of the academy, like if he didn't leave now he never would.

"I love you Lucas Crescent! I'll see you soon!" I yelled after him and I don't care if anyone else heard me, I don't care if the whole world knows. He looked back at me only once with a wide smile plastered across his face before he finally disappeared out of sight.

I drug my feet on my treck back to my dorm room, it felt like every step took me further from my Lucas and I tried to suppress the rueful thoughts that raced threw my mind. I don't like the thought of Lucas going into danger, but I know he doesn't have a choice especially because I know that he isn't just doing this for his pack or their coven, he's partly going for me, because Gill is my friend and I want him back safely. I want to see him and know that he's ok, I want to hear his explanation for why he did what he did and I want an apology, then I'll probably forgive him and thank him for saving my life, then it'll be all's well that ends well... Hopefully?

I let out a heavy sigh when I finally reached my dorm, hesitating for a few moments, not ready for the inevitable onslaught of nosey questions Vicky will undoubtedly ask. I was completely taken back in surprise when I entered to find not only Vicky but Derek sitting on the couch in our dorm.

"What are you doing here?" I asked not bothering to hide the venum in my tone, but he just smirked back at me.

"I knew you two were planning something when I approached you in the hall, at the time I just didn't care, but now..." At first his attitude was nonchalant but then his expression hardened and seriousness settled over his composure. "I can help." He stated and waited for my reaction, but I just raised an eyebrow at him and he sighed. "I know you don't trust me and to put it simply I don't really like you either... But you weren't wrong in saying that I'm partly responsible for what happened." He admitted taking me by surprise, but he quickly cleared his throat and continued. "Before they left my dad ordered Sam not to let anyone in or out of the barrier until they returned..."

"Ow no." Vicky gasped.

"What?" I asked.

"If Sam's got the boarder on lockdown I won't be able to get us threw." Vicky stated.

"Well can't we just go over it or something? The wall is only like ten or twelve feet tall, we could go over it or we could come up with some sort of distraction to draw him away." I said but Derek shook her head while rolling his eyes, like I said something stupid and Vicky laughed.

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