Ch 17 Fever

13 1 5

Rain beat against the windshield, thunder clapped and lightning streaked across the dark sky, I stared up in awed fascination watching the raindrops merge and run across the window. Muffled voices drew my attention and I looked up into the front seat where I saw my momma, a beautiful woman with her red hair pulled into a messy braid over her shoulder, wearing a wet dark green jacket over her silky pink pajamas. She looks worried or scared as she turns to the man beside her, my daddy. He has brown kinky hair that's cut short on the sides and back, but right now it's wet and hanging down making it look longer and more messy than usual, his white doctors coat is soaking wet too and I can see his blue button up shirt through it.

"How did they find us?" Mommy asked in a panicked tone.

"I don't know. They ambushed me at the hospital, if Tomas wasn't there I don't think I would've made it out." Daddy said sounding sad. Tomas... How do I know that name? It sounds so familiar, but my brain feels like it's in a fog.

"Is he alright?" Mommy asked frantically.

"We got separated... Can you still feel your connection to him?" Daddy asked and mommy nodded, daddy reached over and squeezed mommy's hand. "Then I'm sure he's fine. We need to make it to pack lands and everything will be alright. They'll be able to protect us there." Daddy said trying to sound reassuring, mommy looked back at him and smiled just as the sound of another thunder clap struck and lightning lit up the sky, the windshield in front of daddy shattered and red sprayed through the car. Mommy scream and daddy slumped forward, Mommy reached for the wheel but it was to late...

"M... Mommy... D... Daddy..." I try to cry out but every breath makes my lungs burn... I feel so hot all over...

"Alexandra, please wake up... Come on baby... Please..." Lucas' desperate voice echoes in my ears, tingles spread across my shoulders and down my arm where I know he's touching me, but the rest of my body feels like it's on fire and so heavy I can't move at all. "I'm sorry baby... I'm so sorry... It's going to be ok. The doctors on his way. Just hold on." I feel tingles spread across my temple, but Lucas' voice sounds so far away.

It's so dark, I'm afraid... Thunder rumbles loudly in the distance and another flash of lightning allows me to see, just as the roof above me caves in and the window beside me shatters, splattering rain on my face. I feel like I'm floating than suddenly I'm jerked forward, the straps across my chest hold me in place, but it hurts and it's making it even harder to breath... It hurts... Everything hurts and I can't help but scream as hot tears pour from my eyes that feel like molten lava burning down my cheeks.

"What's wrong with her!" Lucas growled.

"I don't know, I've never seen this before. Her temperature is through the roof, we need to cool her down, put her in the tub." An unfamiliar male voice instructed and I suddenly feel weightless again as tingles spread across my back and behind my knees.

"It's ok baby. Your going to be alright..." Lucas' voice cracked and tingles spread on the side of my face. "Please be okay... I can't loose you." Lucas pled softly next to my ear, the broken/distraught sound of his voice is shattering my heart, I just want to wrap him in my arms and drive his worry away, but I still can't move. I want to see him but my eyes feel like they're glued shut, I'm trapped in the darkness.

Everything fades away in the dark... light, sound, feeling and a numbness washed over me... I'm alone and scared... A lightning flash shows me the horrid vision that plagues my nightmare's, the image of my parents dead bodies leaned forward on the dash and steering wheel... Blood... There's so much blood... It mixes in the water from the rain, spreading at first then washing away as the rain fall intensified.

I'm cold... When did it get this cold... And I'm wet... Did I get soaked in the rain... It's completely dark again and so very cold...

"Quickly get her out of the ice, her temperature is plummeting!" The man from earlier yells, tingles rush over my skin, across my back and side and around my legs, warmth radiates through my body where the tingles are, like I'm stealing it I lean into the heat and calmness washes over me, I feel safe.

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