Ch 14 Confrontation

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Tomas easily carried me back down the cliff, it still amazes me how strong and agile he is, once we reached the bottom he transformed into his wolf, it's not so terrifying to watch now that I know he isn't dying, but it still looks painful. He grunted as his bones popped and shifted, hair sprouted out of his skin, it was much quicker this time, in about 30 seconds his large brownish red wolf was standing infront of me, staring at me with those big green eyes. He watched me as he slowly approached, seemingly making sure I wasn't afraid of him, I couldn't help but smile as I reached out my hand and stroked his fur. Tomas made soft groaning sounds in his throat like he was happy and crouched down in front of me, looking up at me with a strange look, like he was trying to tell me something.

"What? Do you want me to get on your back?" I asked and he nodded his big wolf head. "You want me to ride on your back!?!" I asked again in disbelief and he nodded again. Truly today is crazy, so many things I never expected to happen and riding on the back of a werewolf is definitely not how I thought I'd be finishing out my day. "Ok but don't get mad if I accidentally pull your fur." I chuckled and he snorted, making me laugh harder as I threw my leg over his back and tried to find a comfortable position, but as soon as he stood up I felt like I was going to fall and practically had to lay on his back clutching two fistfuls of his fur, just so I wouldn't slide off. "Sorry! Sorry! I didn't mean to." I exclaimed and Tomas made a strange coughing sound, at first I thought I was choking him, but then I realized, "Are you laughing at me?" He nodded his big head again and I couldn't help but join in his funny laughter.

Soon after Tomas started walking, I slipped a little but soon got the hang of it, pinching his sides with my knees and clinging to the fur at the base of his neck. Before long Tomas was quickly running beside the river, he effortlessly lept back across it and continued running into the woods, it was beautiful and amazing watching everything flash by in a blur and adrenaline serged through my veins with the excitement. It seemed in no time we made it back to the area where Tomas had gotten caught in the trap, but both my bag and the trap are gone. Also there are no tracks, not mine or Tomas', like someone came through and purposefully covered them up.

"We have to find Gill. Can you smell him or anything?" I asked, but Tomas didn't answer, he just continued to walk slowly, cautiously, his ears perked up and his nose sniffing the air, on alert. The wall just came into view when suddenly I felt the hair on the back of Tomas' neck stand on end and a growl rumbled in his chest. Before I could ask what's wrong I saw for myself as a group of wolf's stepped out of the shadows and standing directly infront of us was the familiar majestic black haired wolf with glowing electric blue eyes that I've come to care for deeply.

"Night." I couldn't stop myself from whispering the name I gave him, but then felt a pain in my chest, making me clench my hand over my heart as I remembered who he really is... And what he did. "Or should I just call you Lucas?" I corrected as I narrowed my eyes into a glare and watched surprise settle over his wolfy features. "What, did you think I'd never figure it out?" I scoffed and Night's ears laid back on his head, making him look dejected, but I shook my head. "Never mind, it doesn't really matter... Gill was out here with me and he got hurt, did you guys find him?" I asked and Night's eyes widened in surprise again, before he turned and walked back behind the trees. In under a minute Lucas walked back out, his black hair messily ruffled, his chest bare, his black sports shorts hanging low on his hips and his electric blue eyes locked on me.

"Alexandra..." Lucas began as he stepped forward.

"That's close enough!" I yelled, Lucas instantly stopped and gave me an incredulous look. "I don't want you anywhere near me. Just tell me if you found Gill." I ordered with a sharp glare and Tomas growled lowly in warning, earning a glare from Lucas and a return growl from the other four wolf's. Suddenly they all turned and looked at Lucas, though his eyes never looked away from me, then they all turned around and ran away.

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